I would say it started just over a month ago, I noticed some nights before bed I was getting body aches, chills and just general feeling unwell. I have been on a diet since March and noticed it was coming on workout days that were very tough.

About 3 weeks ago I went 4 days in a row and done some heavy sessions and on the 4th night I felt really shivery, chills, body aches, headache.

I took a rest week and felt absoloutly fine, gone back last week but cut down the amount of workout I was doing and felt fine, but last night I started to feel a little achey, not quite like the other times, but mainly legs were aching and irritable and a little round my shoulders I did not have any chills or headache or anything like that this time, I noticed the more I was worrying about it the worse it got but it was not really bad I think more in my head. I fell asleep around 2 am but noticed I kept waking up and tossing and turning and I woke up fully at half 4, I felt a little hot but no sweats and it quickly passed I just could not get back to sleep, I felt wide awake and very irritable.

I took my temp when I woke up at 4am which was 37.2c, is this a lymphoma fever? I took it again about half an hour later and was below 37.

This has happened every night, I would say about 4 times over a month and a half.

Am I showing signs of lymphoma or another type of blood cancer?

Today I just feel a bit tired and no motivation.