Hi All,

Hope everyone is well.

I'm having a bit of an anxiety relapse at the moment, I'm under a lot of stress (just found out I can't buy a home and instead have to spend lots of money fixing the place I am in, and I'm also going to be a dad in the next couple of months)

For the past few months (probably 6 months), I have been experiencing bouts of Palpitations that last up to 2 weeks at a time and seem to be triggered by stress, and cause me a large amount of anxiety and worry.
At the same time I also experience stomach issues, mainly excess burping, heartburn and an upset stomach. Belching and burping seems to slow the frequency of them.

My heart rate seems to be relatively normal (under 100bpm) but I can see the skipped beats if I use for instance a Samsung phone with heart rate monitor.

The problem is, Dr Google is back on the scene and I'm scared and panicky that I'm not going to be here to see my daughter grow up. I've put on a bit of weight over the past 2 years which makes me feel like I'm unhealthy and even have thoughts that I'm going through Heart Failure a lot of the time.
I'm scared to sleep because I feel like I won't wake up
I'm scared I'm having episodes of AFib and am going to die suddenly or have a heart attack or stroke.

But the worst part this time is that I'm scared to go to the doctors because it's a completely new doctor that seems to be overly cautious and causes anxiety.

Does anyone else experience this and can give me any tips? I feel like I'm going crazy and want to be here to bring my daughter up