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Thread: just cant eat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    just cant eat

    i have been to the docs twice in three days convinced that i have stomach cancer, everytime i try to eat something solid my mouth hust drys up and i have to throw it away, i wake up feeling the same and cant put food in me, if i do put food in, it stays down, im not being sick, i get the feeling something is touching the back of my throat which makes me reach sometimes, but not been sick. when i have taken diazemepan i ahve relax a bit and eaten. my nervous systems is on egde all the time and i am focusing on eating or the lack of it every minute of everyday. does anyone else suffer with this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: just cant eat

    What did the doc say if you have seen him?

    Doesn't sound like stomach cancer to me as you aren't even swallowing it.

    Sounds like what I have with the globus hystericus problem.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: just cant eat

    I had real trouble eating at one stage - I lived on banans, milk and weetabix and smoothies as they were all semi liquid! I think it will be realted to tension in your throat and jaw muscles, making it difficult for you to relax and swallow. poarticularly if you are ok after a few drinks - this also used to happen to me - I could eat loads! Maybe try going for a vigorous swim or someting so you are physically tired and very hungry - more likely for your subconscious need for food to overcome your conscious tension.

  4. #4

    Re: just cant eat

    seeker that is just like what im going through at the moment. Ive an idea where it came from when my partner was ill a few weeks ago and he said he felt like his throat was closing up. Well now im convinced mine is and im having massive trouble eating, apart from when ive had a few drinks so im looking forward to having a few drinks so i can order a chinese or something. Its so annoying because im so hungry but i have to eat tiny bits at a time and its like im gasping for air while im eating.

    another lovely symptom, how did you get over this?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: just cant eat

    Actually I have this symptom, too and I just have to take my time while eating, and eat small mouthfuls. Also, remember our body is a marvellous thing and you have a flap of skin that covers your windpipe when you swallow so it is actually very difficult to choke.

    It still gets bad if I am at an event, or under timed pressure to eat - the worst is when I had an interveiw (teacher) and I had to eat lunch with the other candidates and the interviewers in a canteen full of secondary school kids! I just didn't eat very much!

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