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Thread: Weird work situation - Super anxiety

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Weird work situation - Super anxiety

    I wasn't sure where to post this, so I'm putting it here. It's kind of a long story, but to sum up - on Thursday night someone who used to be a tenant in the building where I work (my boss owns the building) saw my boss at the gym and got in his face, screamed at him, threatened him, told him he ruined his life, etc... and the police had to come. Apparently he apologized and was "disarmed" according to my boss. But, at work on Friday he had us keep the door locked and asked my colleague (the only other person who works with us - it's just the three of us) if he brought a gun (he did not).

    I was SO anxious all day (I sit right next to the door) and the two times people knocked my anxiety shot through the roof. Nothing happened, obviously, and my boss didn't seem phased. But I did hear him say the police had been going by his house a few times (he's a big shot in the community - so this was probably a courtesy).

    I am having MASSIVE anxiety about going to work on Tuesday (we have a long weekend here). I'm in the US where everyone has guns and having a disgruntled person show up at your work place and kill everyone isn't unheard of.

    I *think* I'm spinning this out of control. It didn't sound like he made any specific threats, the police have already been involved, and it was like an opportunity thing - he didn't seek out my boss, he happened to see him at the gym and got mad.

    But, honestly, I have no idea what to do. I can't calm myself down about it. I absolutely love this job - it's my first real legal job (I'm one year from finishing law school) - and I don't want to mess it up by being ridiculous. But also, no job is worth getting hurt or killed, obviously.

    What would you all do? Am I overreacting?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Weird work situation - Super anxiety

    It does sound like it was an opportunist thing. The police have already had a word with the man and he has already apologised, so I would think ot highly unlikely the man would do anything again. Keep reassuring yourself and keep distracting yourself from the anxious thoughts.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Weird work situation - Super anxiety

    I can certainly understand many people's current anxieties over issues like this, especially as that recent school massacre is so fresh in people's memories.

    Last year here in the UK we had that shooting incident in Plymouth, though luckily such incidents of such magnitude are still very rare in this country and only seem to happen once in a blue moon.

    Also we hardly ever seem to hear about 'Shottingham' these days, an English city that certain media publications were putting the fear of God into us over back in the late 90s and early 2000s.

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