I joined in 2015 as I started with panic attacks. This forum was really helpful at the time, but I left after a while as I found I was getting triggered by some of the stuff I was reading, and I felt better.
Anyway, I am back.

I think what I am experiencing is waves of panic. See the last time I didn't know it was panic at the time, until I started nightshifts, and I get the same feelings in the morning when I am overtired. I am hoping that others can hopefully confirm this is waves of panic.

So a little while ago at work I felt unwell. (I work on A&E). My heart rate was 150, and I just felt hot, and I felt like a wave of panic in my chest when I saw how high my HR was. Anyway, they did tests etc (benefits of being nursing staff on A&E gets you seen fast haha) and found nothing. Since then, especially at work, I feel panic rising all the time, for no known reason. I imagine myself collapsing at work which would be very very embarrassing. I don't know how I stopped these feelings last time so I am a bit stuck.
