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Thread: Is it more common for older new moms to have heart attacks after giving birth?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Is it more common for older new moms to have heart attacks after giving birth?

    I was noticing a lot of discussion online about women having kids later in life and I went down a rabbit hole. I read through several articles talking about heart attacks in older women who become new mothers, shortly or a few months after giving birth because of the stress and blood pressure from having the baby and their age. It also got me into a little bit of a tizzy.

    I'm 34, I've been single for years, and I don't know when or if I'll ever meet anyone to start a family, and if I'll have to go it alone at some point. But, it got me a bit anxious about the stress it might have on my body as I get older. What if I'm 38 when I have my first child, will that lead to unforseen heart strain or other complications.

    It's been something I've thought a lot about over the last few weeks as I had tests, ultrasounds etc, after years of very irregular periods - and as I always thought, it was PCOS. He said I wasn't that overweight but to lose some to help manage symptoms etc. He also said it was mild and that everything looked good and normal, which was a relief, just as we thought though.

    Anyway, I also have Hypothyroidism, and I am on medicine for that, and for my anxiety I take Half Beta Prograne 80mg slow release, which helps blood pressure too I think (mine anyway). Not sure how this medicine would effect being pregnant though?

    Anyway, I just wanted to ask did anyone know about the statistics of this heart attack stuff and older women? It's kinda scary, and it's something I couldn't help as my life didn't plan out how I wanted it too with relationships and such, but I didn't think I'd have to worry about heart attacks if I did have a child in my late 30s.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Is it more common for older new moms to have heart attacks after giving birth?

    You are googling too much AGAIN

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Re: Is it more common for older new moms to have heart attacks after giving birth?

    Oh I know, this time it was a rabbit hole that started off about pregnancy and being older and went somewhere else and just a spiral.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Is it more common for older new moms to have heart attacks after giving birth?

    I was a few weeks short of being 39 when I had my youngest and I was fine..

    My DIL (to be) had her first baby at 36 and second at 38 and she's fine.

    My gran was in her 40s when she had my dad (and she was fine)

    Stop Googling!
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Is it more common for older new moms to have heart attacks after giving birth?

    Quote Originally Posted by mischamoonlight View Post
    Oh I know, this time it was a rabbit hole that started off about pregnancy and being older and went somewhere else and just a spiral.
    You know yet you can't resist going "somewhere else" and now you have put 2 and 2 together and made a million worries which you hadn't even considered before looking into this topic.

    My mother had me in her late thirties which was considered geriatric back then. I think now it's a pretty normal time to start a family and I don't think cardiac wards have been overwhelmed with new mums needing care?

    Please stop googling. Why do you need to believe this stuff?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Is it more common for older new moms to have heart attacks after giving birth?

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post

    My mother had me in her late thirties which was considered geriatric back then.
    I remember seeing the words, 'elderly primigravida' on my forms and throwing a wobbler..

    How very dare they!
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Is it more common for older new moms to have heart attacks after giving birth?

    Quote Originally Posted by NoraB View Post
    I remember seeing the words, 'elderly primigravida' on my forms and throwing a wobbler..

    How very dare they!
    I know..Can you imagine the outrage if they did this now!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Is it more common for older new moms to have heart attacks after giving birth?

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    I know..Can you imagine the outrage if they did this now!
    What do they call it now?

    I'd have preferred 'mature primigravida' over 'elderly'. (like a fine wine or cheese)
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Is it more common for older new moms to have heart attacks after giving birth?

    I am an older mum - I got read a very long list of all the awful things that could happen to me or baby because of this. I can’t remember it to be honest, but it was long.

    My sister & 2 of my best friends are also older mums. We were all fine.

    Stop finding things to worry about Mischa.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Is it more common for older new moms to have heart attacks after giving birth?

    I’m currently 34 and expecting as well. I remember I worried so much with my first pregnancy at 27 😩 But honestly, I haven’t heard anything about older moms having a harder time. The only thing with older age is that chances of Down syndrome increase but I haven’t heard of anything else. I’m also not googling because then I will freak out. My doc hasn’t mentioned anything to me either. So many of my friends are giving birth at this age that I never thought of myself as an “older” mum.

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