Hey all, I've had anxiety my whole life (mostly claustrophobia and hypochondria) and I beat it for so many years. But in the past two months its come back with a vengeance on me, and Im struggling big time.

For starters I want to add that I have a pituitary gland tumor (benign) and while some symptoms could be coming from that, I think most are anxiety.

I dont tolerate heat well, and now its summer and the AC in my car is awful. Everyday on the way home from work its like an obstacle course getting home, I have to pull over into the shade and I get so shaky and feeling of doom.

Then, Im also getting weird heart feelings like fluttering, slowing, skipping. I believe those are palpitations.

Then, I also get winded easily. Like today I was lifting weights and I had to stop after one set because I was getting hot and winded. I lift 3 days a week, and I did fine on two of the days last week, but one day I was winded so I stopped early too.

It all makes me fear that I have some heart issue, but I went through a similar anxiety many years ago and all my tests (EKG, cardiologist check up) came back fine.

Im 36 years old, I am slightly overweight and am in the process of losing weight. All of this is putting a damper in my summer life, but I do know that my stress and anxiety levels are sky high so that could be causing some or all of these issues. Im hoping others can relate to this? The heart feelings, the being winded so easily stuff.

Thank you.