I've put a few posts on over the last 6 weeks or so, mostly regarding palpitations, missed beats and ectopics. Dr put me on beta blockers but they didn't really help so another Dr gave me a very short course of diazepam 2mg three weeks ago. Since then I've only taken a total of 6. I've not taken any since last Wednesday.
I've mostly been OK for the past few days and today had been great. Until about an hour ago. I'm sat in the garden just reading, lost in my book, when literally from nowhere, my heart hammered in my chest for about 5 to 10 seconds, literally boom boom boom boom. I had to take a deep breath and got a rushing, throbbing sound in my ears. I took my pulse just after and it was over 100bpm. I took it a couple more times and its moreorless normal again now.
Does anyone else get this? It really frightened me alot.
