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Thread: Coming off Escitalopram after 5 years

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Coming off Escitalopram after 5 years

    I've came off this before, 13 months of 5mg I had strange head pangs now and again for about 6 weeks. Nothing too bad.That was about 12 year ago.

    This time after 5 years on 10mg then dropping to 5mg for a month before stopping the come down is different.

    Has anyone else had an experience of coming off after such a long time?

    I feel the happy moments better
    Properly laughing at stuff I was numb to for years
    Sex drive is back with a bang
    More energy, physically to get stuff done
    No longer binge eating for some reason
    The thought of alcohol makes me sick so I've stopped it completely
    More focused at work and home life

    Head pangs are different from the last time. Its almost like an adrenaline rush for about 5-10 seconds in my head and chest several times a day
    Anxiety is up and down but manageable
    Struggle to get to sleep initially but ok once I'm sleeping
    A few crazy mood swings which seem to be calming down, easily annoyed at times

    I most definitely needed to stop, I became to numb and dumbed down for far too long. Hoping the side effects of stopping don't last too long.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Coming off Escitalopram after 5 years

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin44 View Post
    The thought of alcohol makes me sick so I've stopped it completely
    Good idea anyway. While alcohol is the most (self)prescribed anti-anxiety 'med' it actually causes the same deleterious brain changes which manifest anxiety and/or depression as high stress hormone levels.

    Head pangs are different from the last time.
    5mg is a sub therapeutic dose for most so it likely had only minimal impact on the brain the first time. Withdrawal effects (also initial side-effects) tend to be different each time too.

    Its almost like an adrenaline rush for about 5-10 seconds in my head and chest several times a day
    Anxiety is up and down but manageable
    Struggle to get to sleep initially but ok once I'm sleeping
    A few crazy mood swings which seem to be calming down, easily annoyed at times
    These are all fairly typical side-effects. You seem to be coping well and they will probably diminish soon, but talk to your GP if you run into problems as there are ways of easing some.

    I most definitely needed to stop, I became to numb and dumbed down for far too long.
    Not all ADs will, or should, cause this so I suggest to try another one should you ever need to go back onto them again. Even citalopram which shares the same active drug can produce different side-effects.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Re: Coming off Escitalopram after 5 years

    I may have to take some of the pros back!!!

    3 months without it and my anger bursts have gone but I feel like I struggle to deal with conflict (I get super stressed with it) and I'm getting those waves of anxiety and panic washing over me. Also feel quite emotional and procrastinating far too much..

    Should I ride this out or concede that I don't function well without it? I have a call with A doctor today to see what my options are.

    In short I panicked last time after a wobble then took the medication for years. Is this just normal after so long having a tablet mask my issues?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Coming off Escitalopram after 5 years

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin44 View Post
    Should I ride this out or concede that I don't function well without it? I have a call with A doctor today to see what my options are.
    You and your GP are better placed to make that call. As per my previous post, if you decide to go back onto an AD consider taking a different one as there is a good chance another won't cause the anger and emotional numbness issues you had. Even citalopram might not trigger them despite sharing the same active chemical as escitalopram. It also contains a less active form of it which sometimes alters the side-effects produced.

    In short I panicked last time after a wobble then took the medication for years. Is this just normal after so long having a tablet mask my issues?
    Unfortunately, this is impossible to predict. The problems you're having may settle down over time, or could continue.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Re: Coming off Escitalopram after 5 years

    Thanks for taking the time to reply, reassurance in any form is a massive help when your not in a great place and dealing with these irrational feelings.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Coming off Escitalopram after 5 years

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