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Thread: Panic attack anticipating family holiday

  1. #1

    Panic attack anticipating family holiday

    Hi all

    I’m going on holiday to the Lake District tomorrow with my family. We don’t really do family holidays, or have much quality time, except for awkwardly squashed together at the dinner table at Christmas. In the whole lead up to this holiday I’ve been feeling really anxious around the following
    - leaving home and being 200+ miles away (feel like I’m heading away from safety)
    - missing my partner who isn’t able to come with
    - actually getting there and back (I’m too anxious to drive myself there but I’m now feeling anxious at the prospect of being someone’s passenger)
    - what if I panic on the way there/back in the car?
    - what if I panic while we’re on holiday?
    - what if a catastrophic misinterpretation becomes true?
    - what if I’m not enjoying myself and want to come home?
    - my family aren’t really very supportive of my panic attacks and anxiety as they still don’t really understand it. Can I be anxious in front of them? Will they help me? Can they help me?

    All of this has been building in my head since we booked it and as I started packing my case tonight I had a panic attack (about an hour and a half a go and I still feel tearful and chest pains that come on when I think about it). My partner and I went on holiday to the same place earlier in the year and I didn’t feel like this at all, I was so excited and had a fantastic time (sure, I did have one wobble half way up a hill). This holiday however has done nothing but fill me with dread.

    I’ve been trying to think more positively about it - everyone loves a holiday right? I’ll be in a big group of people so surely that will make me feel safe compared to being home alone, I’ll hopefully be too distracted and occupied to let my anxiety get its feed, and if I do have a panic attack in front of them, maybe they’ll learn a bit more about it.

    I think I’m seeking reassurance posting this. Does anyone else get holiday panic?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Panic attack anticipating family holiday

    You'll definitely be distracted, and I'm sure once you're there you'll have a great time! It does sound like fun.

    You mention not knowing how to have your family help you - what tools do you have to help yourself in the case of high anxiety or a panic attack? Those situations may not happen, but it does help me to prepare by saying "if X happens, I'll do Y". Having a concrete plan always makes me feel more prepared. But for all you know, you may not have an issue at all, will have a lovely holiday, and come home wondering why you were so nervous to begin with.

    I also have a tendency to get holiday panic. It seems to crop up more when I go places with my friends, because I'm always worried about being pressured into doing something I don't want to and not knowing how to bow out. But I went on my last trip with my parents and was pretty nervous then, too, but it was the height of covid and I was worried about us all getting sick. I'm going on holiday as well next week and yes, I'm nervous, but my dog is coming along and he can be a handful.

    Ultimately, though, if you just take it day by day, even hour by hour when you are struggling you'll do just fine. Have a fun trip!
    On the road of experience, join in the living day. If there's an answer it's just that it's just that way.
    When you're looking for space and to find out who you are...When you're looking to try and reach the stars.
    It's a sweet, sweet, sweet dream; sometimes I'm almost there
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Panic attack anticipating family holiday

    Yes, I get quite a lot of anxiety around holidays and I end up trying to be as organised as possible to help me cope. I do think that a lot of what you're feeling is anticipatory anxiety and I do suffer from it myself. I personally think once you get up here you'll have a lovely time.

    P.s I live just outside the Lake District which is why I said 'up here'. Bring your waterproof there's thunderstorms forecast for Sunday.

  4. #4

    Re: Panic attack anticipating family holiday

    Hi both, thank you for your messages. I got through it without any panic attacks but I did get anxious at least once a day. Thankfully it was manageable. I am glad to be home but I’m glad my fears didn’t come true

  5. #5

    Re: Panic attack anticipating family holiday

    Hello miss , how can you say that 190 heart rate due to panic attack , my cardiologist told me that during panic attack heart rate could not exceed 160 above 160 is always SVT , or have you documented ecg during episode of that tachycardia? My undocumented heart rate is 192 , if you have diagnose slip and ecg please send me your doctor diagnosed or prescribed slip that this heart rate due to panic attack, i can assure myself because my cardiologist told me during panic attack heart rate could not exceed could not exceed 190 ,to me on my phone no +919653197679, i shall be very thankful to you if you replied me.

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