About a month ago, I woke up in the middle of the night and moved my arm to turn over and noticed a very obvious ghostly trail following my arm. Of course after this I continued moving it over and over and in different directions and the trail continued to follow my arm/hand. Once I went into the light it stopped. I stressed about it for the day, tried to ignore it and go on with life.
4 days ago it happened again. Every time I woke up during the night and moved my arm and hand I saw the trialing again. And now every night and morning since. Every time I wake up and move my hands or even my phone I get a very obvious trail behind it. Once my eyes adjust to the light it stops. (Might I add, if I focus on my arm moving, I don’t see it. But if I focus on the wall or ceiling behind my arm, that is where I see it)
When googling this all that seems to come up is something called illusory Palinopsia. When I see other people describe this after a drug trip or taking hallucinogens and posting videos of what it looks like, it looks the same as what I’m seeing (I’ve never done a drug in my life, but it looks like what people describe as “tracers”). Does anyone else experience this? I’ve been making myself sick over it and can’t get an appointment with my doctor for 4 weeks. I’m so afraid that something is wrong with my brain