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Thread: Constant Testicle Ache

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Constant Testicle Ache

    I don't know why I'm posting here as such because its something that isn't in my head, its very much a real problem at the moment but I'm wondering if anyone's experienced the same thing I guess

    So about a month ago I notice my right testicle feels weird and achey, probably only a 1 or 2 out of 10 on "pain" but its constant, annoying and worse when moving/brushing against my leg and incredibly tender.

    I kind of feel its something I've had in the past but I always ignored it and it went away - I assumed it was the same thing so I ignored it, only it hasn't gone away.

    Obviously being a bit of a hypochondriac I immediately jump to Cancer even though testicular cancer seems to be more of a painless lump. It's very very difficult to have a feel down there for lumps and bumps when you can barely touch it due to how sensitive its got but from what I could feel it seemed...normal.

    I also notice its moved, its like its rotated a little bit, gone higher up and its very much not where it used to be!

    I basically lived on ibuprofen for 2 weeks in the hope it would go but no, eventually I gave up and rang the doctors last week - fully expecting a "we can see you in 3 weeks time" instead after explaining my situation I get told can I leave work and go to this doctors surgery that I've never been to that very morning. I do, he has a bit of a feel, sits there looking at it saying thats very much wrong/worrying and it shouldn't be like that and wonders if Its possible I have an infection or testicular torsion (which I didn't see how I could as thats very painful and needs surgery like the same day) I should go to A&E and lie about the pain to get seen quicker and get a scan. I wander off to A&E, get seen by another doctor who has a quick poke but doesn't mention the position just says it might be an infection but we don't really do ultrasounds unless its an emergency. Theres a bit of a back and forth and they agree to give me an ultrasound. So I have an ultrasound just on the testicles, nothing else in the area, told the blood supply seems fine, no sign of twisting, no worrying lumps, go back to the doctor in A&E who tries to lecture me about pain not showing up on an ultrasound - suggests some antibiotics incase its an infection and sends me on my way.

    So anyway, that was a bit of a day - I'm here on day 5 with my antibiotics and paracetamol and its no better really. So I fear I'm going to end up having to pay privately to go see a urologist or something after I've finished my 10 day course.

    Don't suppose we have any ball experts here? I'm at a bit of a loss, googles not really been that helpful - I don't think I'm dying but its awfully inconvenient, It's not too bad if I don't move much but just generally walking around during the day it gets gradually worse. Fair play to the NHS however, 9am I'd rang up for a doctors appointment and by 3pm I'd had an ultrasound so that was fairly reassuring - if not a bit of a shame I have no answers!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Constant Testicle Ache

    Being female, I’m no help at all but have you checked on here for similar threads? There’s some down the bottom of this page for example.

    Hopefully some of the menfolk on here will read too. In any case I hope it gets better real soon. Although you already have the reassurance of the scan and none of the doctors seemed overly worried.
    It’s a cruel beast that you feed…..


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Constant Testicle Ache

    Well thanks for replying at least!

    It's annoying when theres no worry from the doctors. I didn't see anything that reads as my problem but I will have another look.

    I'm here 3 weeks later. I would say the antibiotics actually got rid of some of the pain a few days after the course was finished. The actual "pain" went and its less sensitive now but its still not right.

    So for the 3rd time in my life I've booked a private appointment for next week to see a urologist. I really should just get private health insurance - It seems like I'd unfortunately get so much value from it! I just cant be bothered to wait for my doctors, its usually 2-3 weeks for an appointment and then another 6 weeks for the referral especially now there's no sign of lumps I guess!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2021

    Re: Constant Testicle Ache

    Any update on this?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Constant Testicle Ache

    Quote Originally Posted by anom View Post
    Fair play to the NHS however, 9am I'd rang up for a doctors appointment and by 3pm I'd had an ultrasound so that was fairly reassuring - if not a bit of a shame I have no answers!
    My lad had a testicular torsion when he was 12. They didn't mess about. He was seen and operated on within a couple of hours..

    The good news is that this isn't the case with you, but it is incredibly frustrating to have no answer for your discomfort. (I've have lots of unexplained pain so I understand your frustration)

    Heat helps with pain. Have you tried warming up a hot water bottle (warm, not hot - don't want to scorch ya nads). This might help?
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  6. #6
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    Mar 2018

    Re: Constant Testicle Ache


    Bugger All

    I went to the urologist for £170 - He has a squeeze, keeps finding the bit that has me wincing in pain (although to be the fair the whole sides is a complete no go) and assumes its just a long lasting infection that hasn't cleared up so he prescribed some different antibiotics - ciprofloxacin. I finished them last week and I'm not a single bit different, it's like there's someone constantly squeezing/twisting it, very difficult to explain, it's also higher up than it used to be but he told me that it looks fine in that respect.

    Whats annoying me is I got a letter summing up the report yesterday which mentions not a lot apart from we could try other things like doxycycline "due to his age" - I swear he thinks I have some sort of STI which I don't but hes never bothered to ask and I seem to be getting 0 tests I'm just having drugs thrown at me, the whole thing is a right nuisance its been a good 6-7 weeks now.

    He wanted a phone appointment back on the NHS to save me some money after my antibiotics have finished but the appointment I got was for the end of November and I'm not waiting that long!

  7. #7
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Constant Testicle Ache

    Quote Originally Posted by anom View Post
    I swear he thinks I have some sort of STI which I don't but hes never bothered to ask
    You almost sound miffed?
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  8. #8
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    Mar 2018

    Re: Constant Testicle Ache

    I think it just bugs me that it seems like he's treating me for an STI when if he had asked at the start I could have told him its really not possible. Perhaps it would have encouraged him to try a different course of treatment? (instead of leaving me with a sore knacker for 8 weeks) Well I've thrown another £100 at the problem now to see him on Tuesday, this time I might actually make some notes on what to ask because I do have a habit of becoming a complete lemon when I'm in a hospital and even "date of birth" becomes incredibly difficult to answer!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2021

    Re: Constant Testicle Ache

    I had something similar for months but I had pain in my lower back but more so in my thigh and deep in my hip. The teste ache and swelling was just relentless and no amount of painkillers done anything, apart from the direct application of ibuprofen gel (it can sting a bit at first) which helped somewhat. After all the tests the doc was stumped. No answers.

    I found out after much research and reading of people's personal experiences that men with pelvic floor overactivity can, amongst other things, get achey nads!

    I wasn't sure if that was the issue but I done pelvic floor exercises for 1-2 times a day and after 4-6wks the aches went.

    Exercises I done and still do from time to time:

    Have a look at this:

    Also Google "pelvic floor release" and try that.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2021

    Re: Constant Testicle Ache

    How did you get on anom?

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