I'm looking for some advice, please. I've been
submitting sick notes since March to UC, I get nothing from them as my partner works and even though we are struggling his income wipes out me getting anything.
I have my health assessment in two days and I really don't know what to do. I feel so sick about the phone call. My worries are, myself and my partner maybe looking to adopt at some point and I'm worried if I tell the person how stressed and anxious I am it would go against me with that?
I did work prior to covid, I forced myself in every single day albeit I was sick beforehand. Covid happened and I barely leave the house again, I ended up getting covid and was in hospital for a week bad and now I'm scared to get covid again, going out freaks me out as I'm so afraid of getting it again. I had covid pneumonia and still suffer with my chest and long covid, extreme fatigue, Aches and pains, brain fog, anxiety, feeling sick, dizziness. I was also diagnosed with diabetes type 2 a few years ago.
My health is a concern. I've also been having stomach pain to the right of my belly button with pain in my thigh and hip as well, it's mostly there but I do get pain top of my belly button under my ribs as well. I get so tired easily, even going to aldi and I'm needing a rest. I'm only 40. I recently had a mini health check and my lung test came back as that of a 60 year old.
I don't know what to tell the person and how
much? I don't even know if I should just try and force myself into a job again because any money I'd get off UC wouldn't be enough. I don't know what to tell the person and how much? I don't even know if I should just try and force myself into a job again because any money I'd get off UC wouldn't be enough. I don't want to do anything that would ruin our chances of adopting if we have to as we have been trying for years for a baby of our own. I'm struggling so much though, I have no money, everything is on my partner and its still not enough. I'm so panicked and I don't know what to do.
I would love to have a job that I can do from home or start a business. Outside jobs I've looked at are community care but longer shifts with one client.
I just don't know what to do and they're phoning tomorrow. All I do know is I have to so something as its not fair on my partner and all the stress of me having no money is stressing me even more. Any advice would be gratefully received.