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Thread: I think this is covid

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    I think this is covid

    Yesterday I've had a sore red throat with some white bump and a headache, all mild so I wasn't sure if I am sick or not but today I woke up with sore throat for sure.
    I was watching myself for two years without human contact and it lasted only a week for me to get it. I think I got it at work because on Tuesday a guy near me had a runny nose.

    I know covid is a vicious beast and symptoms start slowly so I am really scared that it will progress. With omicron it doesn't get worse the fifth day or it does? I know that delta was specific and people crashed on day five or seven even the symptoms were mild before.
    I am scared of fever and that will be very high.

    I have received the forth dose two weeks ago and it didn't protect me against infection. It's weird. I can't be sure that is covid but what else could it be, it's the most contagious virus right now. I wore a mask mostly and it's not fair.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: I think this is covid

    Assuming you do actually have it, then The Vaccines don’t really protect you from infection, they protect you from serious illness. I think that most people will get it, especially those who haven’t had it before.
    But you are so lucky, you’ve had 4 doses of vaccine and you are getting the mildest version yet. You may feel a bit poorly for a day or two, but then you can start to live life again. You will have amazing antibodies, and won’t need to live in fear of covid anymore.

    Rest, hydrate and don’t panic.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: I think this is covid

    Even if this is covid..and you don't know unless you do a home Scass says you are lucky to have such a boost to future protection with all those antibodies plus a very recent additional vaccine. Please don't overreact? You have seen covid as a "vicious beast" for so long whereas now things have changed and it's becoming a lot less virulent and has been tamed to a great extent thanks to vaccination which protects against serious illness.

    You won't be doing yourself any favours by catastrophising, Darlene. This isn't looking after yourself whilst you are under the weather. You need to take things easy not make things worse by tormenting yourself with fear.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: I think this is covid

    I'm pretty sure there are plenty of other (non-Covid) 'bugs' going around right now, as just over a fortnight ago both me and my dad had both an ordinary cold and a bout of diarrhoea, plus we both did LFTs as a precaution and tested negative the whole time.

    Also (at least here in the UK) Covid in general is barely being mentioned in the news of late, even prior to all the Royal-related stuff obviously dominating the headlines non-stop since last Thursday.

    Also are there currently any news stories about major rebounds in Covid infections in your country, Darlene?
    Last edited by Lencoboy; 16-09-22 at 09:42.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: I think this is covid

    Quote Originally Posted by pulisa View Post
    Even if this is covid..and you don't know unless you do a home Scass says you are lucky to have such a boost to future protection with all those antibodies plus a very recent additional vaccine. Please don't overreact? You have seen covid as a "vicious beast" for so long whereas now things have changed and it's becoming a lot less virulent and has been tamed to a great extent thanks to vaccination which protects against serious illness.

    You won't be doing yourself any favours by catastrophising, Darlene. This isn't looking after yourself whilst you are under the weather. You need to take things easy not make things worse by tormenting yourself with fear.
    TBH Pulisa, I've been feeling a bit on the guilty side on the odd occasions the past few weeks and have been wondering on and off if I may have let my guard down a bit too prematurely regarding all things Covid, especially as the wearing of face masks at my day centre (and most other places now apart from my mom's care home by visitors) is now optional and no longer compulsory.

    But hopefully we're now past the worst of the pandemic and I guess everything has to have some kind of cut-off point eventually.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Re: I think this is covid

    Thank you all. I went to the store and farmacy and I walked a lot, wasn't tired but headache is killing me after I came home and still having mild sore throat but what worries me is that strange feeling in chest when I was driving at the bus and pain/tension in shoulders/upper back, I don't know if I'm imagining or what. I've slept only three hours so maybe it's that and I don't have a fever for now. I don't know is it possible to have pneumonia the first or second day, I guess it is because I've heard of it in most severe cases but I really hope it's just an anxiety.

    I've bought a test but I don't have the courage... I'm scared if I know that it is covid that I will be even more scared and won't sleep and imagine all the symptoms. But also I would like to know if I have it now so I can be more relaxed in the future. Of course, if I live.

    I am not sure why but my nose isn't runny, just a little bit congested but I always have problems with that so nothing unusual, that's why I think it is covid because I always have a runny nose when it's something else.

    Also, I saw the news and numbers are rising again in my country.
    Last edited by darlene85; 16-09-22 at 17:27.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Re: I think this is covid

    I don't have a fever but since I fell asleep in the evening, I woke up feeling hot, even sweating a little bit on forehead. The weather is cold today so I don't know why I feel like this.

    I've read that sweating can happen as an early sign of a cytokine storm. I feel panicky now, I don't know when I'll know I'm safe, when it was delta, it was the 7-9 day, but for omicron I don't know what day is critical. This is my second day of full symptoms, third since all began. I am not coughing but my sinuses are full od phlegm that I ocassionaly cough up. I took azithromycin yesterday and today and it doesn't seem to help.

    This sweating is killing me, just on the sides of forehead. If it wasn't the fear of covid ,I wouldn't mind this symptoms because they are mild but when I feel fatiqued or sweating I keep imagining that it is worsening.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: I think this is covid

    Stop "reading" stuff, Darlene..Stop seeking out stuff which panics you unnecessarily? You say your symptoms are mild and they sound it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: I think this is covid

    Sweating on the side of your head does not kill you, it’s trying to cool you down.

    It’s up to you whether or not you do the test, but I would think that it’s the responsible thing to do.

    Unless you want to spend the rest of your life in fear?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2020

    Re: I think this is covid

    I will test myself tomorrow. They say that critical days are 4-6 when it becomes better or worse. I feel pretty much the same, despite an antibiotic, it should subside because I took the last pill of three, today.
    I am in fear of those 4-6 days, that's tomorrow.

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