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Thread: Post Covid Weird Sensation - feels like hair in back of throat or back of tongue?????

  1. #1

    Post Covid Weird Sensation - feels like hair in back of throat or back of tongue?????

    I just don't know what to do. I have been dealing with this sensation for 2 months now. It all came about after Covid. Again, I do not have covid now but for the past 2 months I have this sensation in the back of my throat? Or maybe its the back of my tongue? And I have just been ignoring it but all of the sudden now I am freaking out about it. UGH!!! Anxiety sucks. Do I have cancer? Do I have swelling? What if it closes my throat off? Is there a growth there? I don't know what doctor could help. Its like its a sensation only. I don't see anything wrong but you can't really see that far in your throat. I have not found anyone with this same symptom. Maybe I just don't know how to google it? What terms to use. I am freaking out here. UGH!!!
    I just don't know what type of doctor to see. My general doctor, my dentist, or an ENT doctor. I don't want to waste my time or theirs going to the wrong one. Here is my weird symptom and it is my only symptom. I had Covid the beginning of July and ever since I have been feeling this weird sensation on the back of my tongue or maybe my throat? I can't tell. I can't see anything weird. What the sensation is - its like I have a hair or tiny hairs on the back of my tongue. No problems eating or swallowing. So My question is - can a regular practitioner look back there and tell anything. Or is that more of a ENT or dentist thing. I have tried gargling listerine. It didn't help. It is not painful. Just irritating because its just always there. Just a sensation.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Post Covid Weird Sensation - feels like hair in back of throat or back of tongue?

    I have an idea. Just go to your dr and ask them who you should see. They will check your throat and advise and it will save all this worrying that you’ve been doing.

    Sometimes I get that feeling when I have oral thrush which is something I get from my asthma inhalers, but is also something you can get after antibiotics. I don’t think you have this, but I’m just trying to demonstrate that you’re not the only person in the world who’s felt that way.

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