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Thread: But if a freak out about having covid

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2021

    But if a freak out about having covid

    Me and my last are staying at my parents and my dad tested positive on Sunday and both me and my last have been pretty rough since Monday with headaches, sore throat, temp, shivers, feeling sick (like as if you've got a stomach bug). We tested negative but I'm sure we both have it, though I was told there is a virus going round which is similar.

    Had a right panic with the shivers and been awake with since 3am worrying about that and a certain but of news coverage regarding the war in Europe. Feels like I'm bloody loosing it!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: But if a freak out about having covid

    Quote Originally Posted by Whizz View Post
    Me and my last are staying at my parents and my dad tested positive on Sunday and both me and my last have been pretty rough since Monday with headaches, sore throat, temp, shivers, feeling sick (like as if you've got a stomach bug). We tested negative but I'm sure we both have it, though I was told there is a virus going round which is similar.

    Had a right panic with the shivers and been awake with since 3am worrying about that and a certain but of news coverage regarding the war in Europe. Feels like I'm bloody loosing it!
    There was nothing on the BBC site yesterday about any major rebounds in Covid here in the UK, and if there were I'm sure we would have been informed by now.

    As for the war situation in Ukraine, Putin is basically throwing his toys out of the pram and clutching at straws because his forces have been outgunned by the Ukrainian forces over recent weeks and playing all kinds of blame games on the West right now, especially as he has been on the losing side recently.

    Remember (apart from us and other Western countries donating ammo to the Ukrainian forces), we aren't the country at fault, nor have we sent our troops bursting into Russia nor the affected parts of Ukraine all guns blazing (against NATO and UN protocols), so what would Putin and Co really gain from getting Britain blown to smithereens by nukes, as we aren't really the ones doing the sabre-rattling.

    Also if Putin did order the red button to be pushed it would basically be suicide for him and Russia for the most part would probably end up being toast, with them being the ultimate losers all along!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: But if a freak out about having covid

    Latest UK government figures showed a notable increase in cases (nearly 13%} since last week although deaths fell.

    My brother and his wife both tested positive last week and we've just had a colleague go down with it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: But if a freak out about having covid

    Quote Originally Posted by Pamplemousse View Post
    Latest UK government figures showed a notable increase in cases (nearly 13%} since last week although deaths fell.

    My brother and his wife both tested positive last week and we've just had a colleague go down with it.
    I suppose that's pretty much inevitable given it's now the start of the autumn, but fingers crossed it won't be as bad as last year and the year before.

    And I know the deaths tend to lag behind cases for about 2-3 weeks, but hopefully the risk of deaths from current Covid will be much less than before.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2021

    Re: But if a freak out about having covid

    Ah I tested positive yesterday. I've had symptoms since Monday and been getting a temp at night. But th paracetamol and ibuprofen seem to help. I was stupidity scared I to being unvax so obviously my fault and causes more anxiety.

    My lad of the other is pretty much fine now!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: But if a freak out about having covid

    Quote Originally Posted by Whizz View Post
    Ah I tested positive yesterday. I've had symptoms since Monday and been getting a temp at night. But th paracetamol and ibuprofen seem to help. I was stupidity scared I to being unvax so obviously my fault and causes more anxiety.

    My lad of the other is pretty much fine now!
    Wishing you a speedy recovery and hopefully you'll be over it all by this time next week.

    It does seem that the Alpha and Delta variants were as bad as Covid got for most people, but thankfully BA.5 still seems to be one of the least lethal so far, so I'm pretty confident you'll pull through it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2021

    Re: But if a freak out about having covid

    Thanks Lenco!

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