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Thread: Dog Rabies Fear (again)

  1. #1

    Dog Rabies Fear (again)

    My boyfriend took my puppy out for a walk in the morning and I guess she picked up a dead mouse (with its head missing) and walked around with it for a few seconds. She is fully vaccinated since she is 6 months old, but I can’t help the fear that she has contracted rabies and could spread it to us. I mean she bites 24/7 in a playful way. The vet said I have nothing to worry about unless she had cuts in her mouth and blood got into it? I highly doubt she has any cuts, but I didn’t think rabies could be spread through an blood. I’ve been on edge even being around her and also feeling anxious for her!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Dog Rabies Fear (again)

    I would trust what your vet says, they know the likelihood of picking it up better than we do. Try and do things that distract you from these thoughts and keep reassuring yourself with what the vet has said.

  3. #3

    Re: Dog Rabies Fear (again)

    That’s true. Thank you! I actually saw the mouse and it was very tiny. Im thinking there is no way it could’ve been rabid because it didn’t survive the initial attack from whatever animal got it. From my understanding, you have to survive the bite in order for it to spread to your brain/nervous system. Could be wrong though!

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