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Thread: NoraB

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Nora, I need some of your wisdom.

    I got the results of my 7 day heart monitor today. No AFib - yay! I was so pleased. However, it then came to light that I had three VT episodes and some SVT too. Now I'm so scared, I just don't know what to do with myself. I've taken 10mg propranolol and am tempted to take a 2mg diazepam too, but don't really want to.

    You tell it like it is and give such good advice, so I need your help if you're around, please.

    Thank you so much, Dee. X

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: NoraB

    Hi Dee,

    The problem is that we hear these medical terms without really understanding them. There are symptoms, and there's context.

    I had a long episode of VT (heart stuck on about 145 bpm for several hours, at rest) and was given Beta-blockers to slow it down. (I was also referred for a heart ECHO, and that was fine)

    So, your doctor will be looking at what your heart is generally doing and how problematic a symptom actually is. (Have you actually spoken to your doctor to discuss the results?)

    If I had a pound for every time I've got a letter through and freaked out over terminology only to speak to my GP who said, 'Yeah, that's all fine'. (I'd be a millionaire)

    The thing about anxiety is that it directly affects the heart (it's meant to as part of the fight or flight response) and these normal symptoms feed into to any fears we have about our hearts, so it's important to slow that heart rate down via medication or relaxation (or a combo), bearing in mind that it can feel as weird to have slower heartbeat than it can to feel the ol' ticker banging like an old barn door, you get me?

    Sorry I didn't see your post until now. I hope you managed to feel calmer. X
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: NoraB

    Thank you Nora. I have a doctor appointment at 9.25am so I have everything crossed. Didn't sleep much as couldn't stop shaking, even after a propranolol. I'll let you know later how I get on.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: NoraB

    Hi Nora.

    I've been to the doctor. She says that although it's not a 'normal' reading, she is reassured that its nothing to unduly worry about. She's going to email a copy to the cardiologist to be certain but is confident it's fine and most likely anxiety related. I'm starting cbt on Friday, so fingers crossed it will help.

    One question - did you, or do you still occasionally get a small cramp like pain in your chest? I guess it's probably from tensed muscles.

    Anyway, thank you again for your kindness.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: NoraB

    Quote Originally Posted by Dee62 View Post
    Hi Nora.

    I've been to the doctor. She says that although it's not a 'normal' reading, she is reassured that its nothing to unduly worry about. She's going to email a copy to the cardiologist to be certain but is confident it's fine and most likely anxiety related. I'm starting cbt on Friday, so fingers crossed it will help.

    One question - did you, or do you still occasionally get a small cramp like pain in your chest? I guess it's probably from tensed muscles.

    Anyway, thank you again for your kindness.

    Hi Dee,

    Yes, what happened to me was 'abnormal' (As was my 'abnormal' ECG two years ago due to panic attack lol) but that doesn't mean heart issues/disease etc. Like I said, it's about what the heart is generally doing. (Most of us get occasional blips)

    Do your best to engage with CBT. It will (should) help you to learn how to challenge your thoughts, and relaxation techniques are important too.

    Yes to the chest pain and cramping. Some is due to what's known as Costochondritis (common with fibro) but my chest pain is mostly due to anxiety. I've had some last week actually, but my anxiety has been really high, so not surprising. I know I wasn't breathing properly, and my muscles were tensed. (Though it is my policy to always get any new chest pain checked out)

    Good luck with the CBT.
    A thought is harmless unless we believe it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: NoraB

    I've had afib episodes. They are not nice at all . Cause me a lot of anxiety. The fear of them is hard to move past. But I see people every day at work who are in permanent afib and don't even know it. They have zero anxiety about it . I wish I could feel that way. Its hard when my heart beats so irregular and fast sometimes I don't know how to get over the worry.

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