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Thread: CT scan result worries. Got myself into a panic

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    CT scan result worries. Got myself into a panic

    Hi there,

    I feel a bit silly because I posted a couple of days ago about something else unrelated to this issue. So apologies if you have seen my name crop up before

    Last December I got diagnosed with a fatty lump on my kidney, found completely by accident during an ultrasound scan so don’t know how long it’s been there and it only measured at 5mm not an issue. No one seemed worried about it etc. It’s just a matter of monitoring, if it grows it’ll get embolised. Anyways this is when my health anxiety started again because I only have one kidney and of course dr google says I’ll die etc etc.

    I had a CT scan on October 5th(this year) to have a clearer picture of it and to see if it’s grown. When I had it done, the guy said if it’s something serious you will be contacted in 1-2 weeks and if all is okay it’ll be 5-6 weeks. I passed the 1-2 week mark and I called last week to see if the results were back. Nothing. I was gonna call next week because it would have been over 6 weeks but.. I stupidly logged into my patient records just out of curiosity and the results are back (doesn’t say anything about it so I’ll still have to call up) but it said that someone from the hospital called my surgery and there was no answer so they left a message.

    When I read this I’ve gone into complete meltdown thinking they’ve found something really bad or it’s gotten much worse so I’m currently sat in bed feeling sick to my stomach. I’ll call first thing to arrange an appointment but I can’t get it from my mind at all. I’ve spoken to my partner and he said well if it was serious they would have contacted me within 1-2 weeks like they said.. and that I’m overanalysing the phone call thing.

    Am I being completely overreacting? Because I want to calm down but I’m so panicked I’m finding it extremely difficult 😞

    Emily x

  2. #2

    Re: CT scan result worries. Got myself into a panic

    If it was something serious, it seems very unlikely they'd just leave a message and hope someone at the surgery would pick it up and get back to you. The message could easily have been to explain what the mass is and that it needs no further action. You're around the six week mark now, is that right? That suggests to me that it's nothing to worry about.
    "My only hope is this homemade Prozac... Needs more ice cream."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: CT scan result worries. Got myself into a panic


    You’re quite right actually.. I never thought about that to be fair (anxious mind and all that). It would be a bit weird thinking about it to just leave a telephone message if it was something serious 😅 but yes, you’re right it was 6 weeks ago yesterday. I did keep trying to think well it’s been as long as they’d say it’d be.. if I was dying or had a serious illness they would have called in the 1-2 weeks like they said. Thank you for making me think a bit more rationally I appreciate it ☺️

  4. #4

    Re: CT scan result worries. Got myself into a panic

    The system can be surprisingly good at finding the scariest ways possible to tell you you're fine. I once had an MRI scan and then a few days later received a letter and all over the envelope it said "MS Clinic". Obviously I panicked like crazy but once I calmed down, I realise they don't tell you that you have a serious illness by sending you a letter with the name of the illness all over the envelope! Turned out it was just a clerical error. The system had made me an appointment at an MS clinic by mistake. I actually attended the appointment and the consultant was like "I have no idea why you're here, to be honest." I've also been left message by GP surgeries saying "your test results are in, please call to arrange a routine appointment". Naturally that made me uneasy at best, but the presence of "routine" was the crucial part - there was nothing wrong with me.

    The point I'm making is that we can easily attach anxious meanings to events where no such danger exists. That missed call could mean absolutely nothing, but it can certainly seem ​scary. Hopefully you can get this one boxed off soon.
    "My only hope is this homemade Prozac... Needs more ice cream."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: CT scan result worries. Got myself into a panic

    You’re absolutely right! I’ve learnt over the part year or so that they use medical words that appear scary but they have a very simple meaning.

    I totally understand why you panicked over that 😳 I’m glad it was all a mistake for you. Must have been a shocker when you first received it!

    I suppose not every “‘make an appointment either the GP” is going to be sinister. And thank you, you do make a very good point. I’ll be calling to make a doctors appointment tomorrow hopefully in the morning to get it out of the way ☺️ I’ll probably post an update once I find out what’s going on so fingers crossed all is well

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Re: CT scan result worries. Got myself into a panic

    Hiya, I have a similar story when I had an ultrasound on my heart a couple of years ago.

    I rang up for my results a few weeks after the scan, and the receptionist said the results are back, however a doctor needs to speak to me. Naturally I went into complete melt down, panic attack, started retching! Complete over the top reaction. A doctor rang me back a few hours later to say there was nothing bad about my results but it's just protocol for a doctor to speak to a patient after ANY heart scan - whatever the result, because they need to discuss if I'm still having symptoms/problems and do I want more investigations. My symptoms were palpitations and occasional racing heart, which I still continue to get.

    So long story short, if it was serious you would have been contacted sooner, and this is most likely routine as my story above!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: CT scan result worries. Got myself into a panic

    Hey! It’s so scary though when a receptionist says that though especially when you’re already anxious about it in the first place it’s like your brain goes into negative mode straight away 😳 I’m glad it turned out okay for you! I suppose as well it’s good practice to contact a patient after a result has come back. You’re probably right to be honest I think I have overreacted over nothing. Besides, I already know something is there so it isn’t going to come as a shock to me is it 🤣 unless it’s miraculously disappeared or there wasn’t actually anything there and they got it wrong - now then I would be shocked and probably cry happy tears lmao!

    Thanks for your reply it’s really helped! ☺️

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: CT scan result worries. Got myself into a panic

    Just a quick update -

    I had my telephone appointment at 8:15 this morning and it went very well. When the doctor asked me how I was I said honestly.. panicked. And she instantly said please don’t be it’s good news 😌

    So the lump on my kidney is still 5mm so no growth what so ever over the past year.. amazing!! But then, she said “before I tell you this do not worry what so ever but they also found some calcium and I said right.. what does that mean? And she said usually nothing at all it’s just one of them things you can get calcium anywhere in the body but the main thing is, she said she isn’t worried but because I only have one kidney she’ll send it off to the kidney specialist just to have a quick look at it and tick all the boxes. She said honestly she’s doing it for my peace of mind more than anything.

    So.. my task from now until I get my appointment through is.. NO GOOGLING!! I’ve promised myself I’m not going to do it. I don’t feel unwell in anyway so why should I worry about something that’s is most likely going to be okay anyways..

    Thanks everyone! ❤️

  9. #9

    Re: CT scan result worries. Got myself into a panic

    Great news! I think a lot of people with health anxiety should pay attention to the world of difference between what you were worried about with regard to the waiting and the phone calls etc and what the reality turned out to be.

    If you're tempted to Google, remember - your doctors, who've seen the results, have you given you all the information you need. You don't need any more reassurance than that, and you won't find it on Google.
    "My only hope is this homemade Prozac... Needs more ice cream."

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: CT scan result worries. Got myself into a panic

    I agree with you there! Sometimes something that appears to be a massive issue in your mind actually isn’t half as bad as you thought 😌

    You’re right there I’m going to trust her she seemed really nice and genuinely didn’t seem worried at all which was calming and positive

    Thanks for all your help and kind words!

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