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Thread: Bulbar Symptomps - Rapid Progression

  1. #1

    Bulbar Symptomps - Rapid Progression

    Hello everyone,

    I have been having fasciculations all over my body since August. I did some Google search and came to the conclusion that I have ALS. I was very afraid and for 3 months I have waited for the doctor appointment and had a clean clinical exam and clean EMG/NCS 10 days ago on lower and upper limbs both sides. At that time I had burning sensation on tip of my tongue however my neurologist did not do any EMG on tongue. After that I have started having more bulbar symptoms day by day, I have swallowing issues (today I even had nasal regurgitation) tongue bites and cramps at sleep (I am not sure if tongue hurts because of the biting or are cramps/paralysis), I feel my speech is a little bit different as well (although my family disagrees). By the way I have some erectile dysfunction and weak legs and arms (that is how I feel but I can still lift things without a problem, I can do squats etc).

    I have seen 2 neuros, the aforementioned neuro 3 times, she told me that there is no neurological problem that I have and asked me to go to psychiatrist.

    I have started SSRI and hydroxyzine 3 days ago but I still feel I am having something physiologic. Pyschiatrist told me that it will take at least 15 days for pills to help.

    Is it possible to develop swallowing issues, on/off breathing problems, slurred speech in just 10 days after clean EMG ? I have GERD, is it possible that long term health anxiety and GERD together cause these ? It feels so real but my neuro dismissed me and asked me to not to spend my money to neurologists anymore.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2021

    Re: Bulbar Symptomps - Rapid Progression

    Quote Originally Posted by anxi_12 View Post
    Is it possible to develop swallowing issues, on/off breathing problems, slurred speech in just 10 days after clean EMG ? I have GERD, is it possible that long term health anxiety and GERD together cause these ? It feels so real but my neuro dismissed me and asked me to not to spend my money to neurologists anymore.
    Very possible to develop this just 10 days after clean EMG! But is means nothing. It's your long term health anxiety (an irrational belief!) trying to scream for attention after you've gotten GOOD news.

    How can I say this with such certainty? Because my "bulbar" symptoms were also the "worst" they've ever been just one week to one month after *I* was cleared, too. Also, your family hears nothing wrong, and your neuro "asked [you] not to spend [your] money to neurologists anymore" ?! It sounds like you have a very good neuro who cares about you, not a dismissive neuro.

    It's very common to experience a spike in anxiety when starting on an SSRI. It's not fun, but it is temporary. Stick with it a month and see how it goes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Re: Bulbar Symptomps - Rapid Progression

    That sounds like a good Neuro who is interested in your overall health and not just collecting money.

    This is the problem when we chase a diagnosis, the relief is only temporary - if you get any at all. You've been cleared by a professional, and unless you plan to get an EMG every morning you need to start to accept that your anxiety is causing you to react to these symptoms in an irrational way. Best of luck on the SSRIs, hopefully they can help you get it under control!

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