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Thread: Upping my dose after 7 years from A DIARY

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Upping my dose after 7 years from A DIARY

    Day 13 from 40mg to 60mg

    So, I know I'm "new" but I was pretty active on this forum years ago when I was majorly struggling with GAD and Panic (plus depression caused by both). It took 3 antidepressants before Prozac at 40mg was a success. Unfortunately, times have been tough this last year. Went through a terrible breakup with the guy I was gonna marry (he cheated), was in a car laid off from my job in December just a couple months ago (I'd worked there for 6 years). I figured out my meds needed a boost. I've been on 60mg now for 13 days. I found it helpful before to post updates, because it helps me and potentially others. So, here goes...

    Day 13
    When I first began at 40mg, I really had few side effects except for some hot flashes/sweating throughout the day and especially at night.

    Today, definitely feeling some general grogginess/tiredness, plus some anxiety and the hot flashes/some sweating. Mainly, I'm just tired and I was feeling kinda depressed this morning, if I'm honest. I also don't have much of an appetite, although I ate some soup and am trying to drink water.

    That's it for today. I plan on posting every day until I start to feel some positive changes. My doctor said it probably wouldn't be until week 4, but I know everyone is different.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Upping my dose after 7 years from A DIARY

    Let me know your previous login so we can merge the accounts. Thanks

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: Upping my dose after 7 years from A DIARY

    Day 14

    Was tossing and turning most of the night, so I didn't get a good night's rest. Now I'm just groggy and low-energy. But, I'd say anxiety is relatively low. Still getting kinda hot flashes when I'm more active, and right after I took my medication this morning. I spoke to my Dr. yesterday, and she said I could split the pill in half and take half in the morning, and half in the afternoon to lessen that. I think I'll try that tomorrow. Now, I'm just resting on and off, and trying to do chores around the house.

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