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Thread: Racing heart - freaking out

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Racing heart - freaking out

    This is probably not the first time I am experiencing increased heart rate, but really feeling terrified today. I am thousands of miles away from home. On a work trip in the US.
    I get issues with bloating and burping, so it is upper abdominal bloating and when I get this, I often feel like my heart rate is higher and sometimes get even fluttery feelings, like bubbles. But I was never able to determine if this is really to do with the heart or just air bubbling giving me this sensation! It always scares me and makes me worry, about maybe getting arrhythmia or uncontrolled heart rate, but this time I am finding it much more difficult to cope, I am truly imaging the worst and feeling dread about it. My HR feels like it is over 120, at times it feels much more. When I searched jet lag and tachycardia it was popping up all sorts of things, like potassium and magnesium imbalance causing serious rhythm issues! The more I try to breathe and calm myslef down, the more I get scared because I can't.
    I am also feeling a bit wobbly and like I might be lightheaded and that worry is getting out of hand fearing I will faint!
    It is my second day here and I am trying to make it though meetings, but all I want is to be home :-(
    I am flying back tomorrow night, which is also terrifying me, just making it untio then, but then also making it through a red eye flight, not sleeping, travelling back home for anotger 3 or 4 hours...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Racing heart - freaking out

    To be honest, I think it's just stress and jet lag. Try and distract yourself and get as much rest as you can.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Racing heart - freaking out

    Quote Originally Posted by Catkins View Post
    To be honest, I think it's just stress and jet lag. Try and distract yourself and get as much rest as you can.

    Classic stress/anxiety reaction.

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