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Thread: Travel anxiety

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Travel anxiety

    Well here was me thinking that travel anxiety was only something I had but I seem to have found lots of threads with talking about the same issue. I am meant to be going to New York next week for a friends wedding and its been playing on my mind for months. I so want to be one of those people who enjoys booking holidays and the whole experience of travelling to a new place and experiencing new things but I haven't felt like that for years. I'm ok on UK breaks and weirdly I've been to Paris a couple of times over the last few years. I think this is made easier as you travel by train which tricks your mind into believing you haven't gone that far.

    A couple of years ago my partner bought us tickets for a long weekend in Marrakesh as a present. I got to the airport and couldn't go any further. I have even flown back from Greece as I was feeling uncomfortable and anxious while I was there. I don't even think its the flying part as I remember how much better I felt heading home from Greece on the plane, just knowing that I was on my way back to my sage place.

    When I was 13 I was very ill on holiday and had to be flown home and so my therapist thinks this could explain some of the issues with being away. Nobody likes being away from home and not being well so there might be an element of that to it. It really upsets me as I would love to see more places in the world, but I have to go through this every time which makes it both challenging and exhausting.

    Anyway, its good to know in some way that I am not alone with this particular issue in relation to the travel. Its good to read everyones particular coping mechanisms. I hope I can come back on here in 10 days time and tell you all what a great time I had. Fingers crossed

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Travel anxiety

    I've been there with travel anxiety, I also don't like flying. But over the years I have found ways to distract myself when I go away and last year when I went to Portugal instead of trying to trying to distract myself on the plane I tried just accepting how I was feeling and used relaxation techniques and I managed reasonably well.

    I went to New York pre-pandemic and it's an amazing place to visit. So many fantastic things to see. Was it completely anxiety free? No, but with a lot of self reassurance I had a really brilliant time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Travel anxiety

    I have travel anxiety as well. I particularly struggle when I'm traveling with friends and don't have a lot of individual agency and am needing to keep up with the group. It helps if I have my own personal space to sleep, and I'll listen to TV shows while I sleep (which isn't always recommended but is relaxing for me), but it can still be hard when I feel pressured to do things. It's particularly challenging post covid, with my HA.

    Good luck - I hope it goes well for you! Sometimes keeping a journal helps me as well, especially for the next trip as I can read back and see that I've survived trips in the past and maybe even had a good time.
    On the road of experience, join in the living day. If there's an answer it's just that it's just that way.
    When you're looking for space and to find out who you are...When you're looking to try and reach the stars.
    It's a sweet, sweet, sweet dream; sometimes I'm almost there
    Sometimes I fly like an eagle, sometimes I'm deep in despair.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Travel anxiety

    I have a little apartment abroad. I know I’m lucky but travel anxiety kicks in from time to time. Last time on the way home I had a very rapid panic attack on the plane. I had to get up but immediately felt faint so I say back down, I felt sick, hot and clammy. I shut my eyes and concentrated on my breathing. I fell asleep. I’m flying again in 2 days and I’m not looking forward to it at all. I’m trying to think that out of all the times I e flown, this was the only time this happened and it won’t happen again. Easier said than done but I’m trying.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Travel anxiety

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Zuker View Post
    Sometimes, breaking down the trip into smaller, manageable parts can help. For instance, getting familiar with your destination through virtual tours or local guides might ease your mind. Also, finding a routine or a comfort item to bring along can make a big difference.
    Very wise words Mark.

    I have very similar anxieties; more apparent post-pandemic despite barely being scared of Covid itself anymore, but pertaining more to the obvious fact that we got into the habit of not travelling back then, coupled with my fears of anything untoward possibly occurring whenever travelling outside of my 'comfort zones', whether to places I've never visited before or places I haven't visited for ages; even certain places within my own town of residence in the latter case.

  6. #6

    Re: Travel anxiety

    I understand, I get a bit of this too..but I've learnt from my own experience that its only because I'm not doing it enough, In the summer if I travel abroad for two weeks or so from the UK I'll get used to it pretty quickly and doesn't bother me anymore...and then when I come back to London and finally stop travelling around like I was it feels strange and I want to do it more. It's a typical brain thing I guess..we really do get used to anything...exposure is the key (but I do prefer to do little travelling lol)

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