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Thread: US results - need help deciphering please!

  1. #1

    US results - need help deciphering please!

    Hi everyone, I discovered a little bump on my right arm last week. Managed to get an ultrasound and this it what it reads:
    Indeterminate irregular and vascular nodule in the right forearm surrounding the cephalic vein measuring less than 1 cm.
    There is surrounding subcutaneous tissue thickening, which suggests an inflammatory/infectious process. However, the lack of patient symptoms is concerning for a more indolent process. Consider follow-up ultrasound in 6-8 weeks to confirm resolution.

    COMMUNICATION [FOLLOW-UP]: Documentation of communications managed and recorded in Epic.
    EXAM DATE AND TIME: 6/26/2023 2:27 PM EDT
    INDICATION: firm nodule on right forearm
    COMPARISON: None available

    TECHNIQUE: Targeted ultrasound of the region of clinical concern in the right lateral forearm was performed using grayscale and color Doppler.

    In the area of clinical concern there is an irregular and hypoechoic nodule adjacent to and inseparable from the cephalic vein measuring 0.8 x 0.4 cm. There is flow on color and spectral Doppler waveforms. With compression, the nodule is distensible but
    not compressible. The patient denied pain on examination.

    There is normal venous waveform of the cephalic vein on spectral Doppler. There is no arterialization of the cephalic vein waveform. The cephalic vein compresses normally.

    In the subcutaneous soft tissues surrounding the cephalic vein, there is diffusely increased echogenicity and thickening of the subcutaneous fat relative to the left.

    The doctor doesn't seem overly concerned, but I can't help but be worried. They (the radiologist) kept on asking if I bumped my arm and I don't remember bumping it (but who knows), but the arm has no discoloration. I would think that if I bumped it hard enought, it would be bruised on the outside too, correct? Any suggestions, comments, etc etc?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: US results - need help deciphering please!

    Horrible, I know, but I think you just have to wait this one out. Chances are it'll go away on its own. Bodies do weird stuff.
    ************************************************** ********
    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

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