Got the throat/next issues againi :(

Pain under left jaw where it meets the neck, this can vary buts is a tight/ache in that corner
Intermittant hoarsness of voice, can clean throat and its clears up
Big effort to swallow
neck feels tight
swallowing feels like a clicking in the neck, none of this seems to be an issue if drinking water for example
Gland (salivary?) under jaw is much bigger on left (kind of always been though)
Had an endoscopy approx 9 mths ago and a upper cervical MRI (for another reason) about 6 months ago, they didnt show anything, reassuring?

occuring for a few months now, its really worrying but at same time, i am trying not to go down the expensive road of tests and worry

GP wants me to go back to ENT but there is a big wait

Anyone else get this?