Hello everyone. Been a bit of a recent visitor here, health anxiety has been bad. Anyway for 10 or so years I've been diagnosed with IBS and wanted to just go for a routine check today. The physical exam of my abdomen was fine and the Dr said I'm not swelling and everything is moving fast. I mentioned to him a few symptoms and when I said I pass gas/stools that smell like sulphur he said he wanted to test for IBD and H pylori. I'm fairly confident my IBD test will be negative but H Pylori not so much. I'm only recently learning now that IBS doesn't have much information regarding sulphur stools and gas, I thought it was just a normal/common symptom. I am scared because apparently H pylori can lead to stomach cancer and I've potentially left it untreated for years. I am hoping that if it is H pylori that by treating it/getting it out my system then the chance of developing cancer of the stomach will be gone. But 10 years left untreated? Who knows what kind of damage has been done to my insides. This is terrifying :(

Has anyone here had a similar thing happen? Had H pylori for years and not known? Anyone have IBS and produce sulphur smelling stool/gas?

Thanks everyone.