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Thread: Finally did it

  1. #1

    Finally did it

    Last month I finally managed to gather the courage to make a phonecall to the local healthcare center so that I could get my anxiety sorted out! \o/
    I've been struggling with anxiety for... roughly 7 years at this point, but I finally got the call made!

    I've now had 3 directed self-care (?) sessions and the other day I got prescribed with anxiety meds.
    I'm not used to getting any notable side effects from meds so I've been a little taken aback and have had a small bout of anxiety due to those, but it's stayed under control.
    Depending on how things work out I maaay ask to be prescribed something else in a month when I have a check to see if the meds have started working etc. Especially if I keep being as restless as I've been today. I'm not sure if it's because of the meds, the fact that an extra drop of the medicine ended up in my glass because I didn't turn the bottle away fast enough or if it's just that kinda day.
    I know it can take a while to find meds that suit you, I talked about that with a friend who also takes anxiety and depression meds, but we'll see how things go.
    I also have a time booked for group therapy (?), and thanks to the directed sessions I've gotten a lot more resources to work with when it comes to handling my anxiety.
    So despite everything, things are starting to look up.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: Finally did it

    Well done, it's the first few steps.

    Keep the appointments with therapy, even if you don't think it's working. Let them know the truth when you're talking to them, no matter how uncomfortable. You've got this far don't stop now.

    Don't stop the meds. If they aren't working tell the Dr, try another one. Meds aren't are magic bullet, they won't cure the anxiety, they will just help or maybe take the edge off.

    Once again, we'll done on the first step.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Finally did it

    Well done for tak8ng the first step!

  4. #4

    Re: Finally did it

    Thank you!
    I'm def not gonna be quitting meds anytime soon, I was more so talking about trying other meds if the side effects keep being really funky.
    I haven't been to actual proper therapy at all, and at the moment I don't immediately feel the need for it, but if that changes I'll be making another call. I feel at this point I have a decent grasp/understanding about things related to my anxiety and it's more about grappling with the anxiety itself, if that makes sense.
    The directed self-care sessions helped me get a better picture of things, so I feel I have a better picture on how to move forward as well.

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