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Thread: Think I'm having a blip

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Think I'm having a blip

    Nothing particularly has happened, I've had a month or so where I was feeling quite low and my husband has been having a particularly trying time with work, which despite my best efforts does effect me.

    But the last couple of days I have felt awful. I have the most awful stomach pains, it feels like I have a hedgehog curled up in there. I'm taking more lansoprazole than normal to try and settle it, but it doesn't seem to be helping. My sleep is disrupted, I've been awake since 4 this morning. One minute I'm sweating profusely, the next minute I'm feeling really cold.

    I do think that most of my symptoms are anxiety related. I'm trying to carry on as normal, but there's definitely some old negative thought patterns sneaking in there. The usual; I can't cope, how am I going to manage to do such and such. Uni starts back soon - do I really want to be doing it?

    The weird thing is, I had a session with my counsellor earlier in the week and I don't know if I was having a serious case of denial, but I was telling her that I thought I was doing well and seemed to have come out of my low patch. Now I'm thinking about all the things I've got to do this week and feel totally overwhelmed (this includes our son coming home for a few days with his girlfriend on Wednesday which I had previously been looking forward to).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Think I'm having a blip

    Isn't it annoying when you've been feeling good and doing ok then boom, you feel rotten again.
    Could it pre anxiety nerves? And you know the brain will go into overdrive thinking all sorts.
    What you describe could well be anxiety symptoms. Have you been doing your self care with meditation and calming techniques?
    You might also think it's not anxiety, in which case that will also pass.
    I know you won't want to put your son off from coming and it's likely you might feel better by then so don't dwell on that just yet. See how you go over the weekend. Get as much relaxation as you can. When you feel more up to it you will easily catch up on those house chores. As you are now it will just be a waste of energy that should be directed to yourself.
    Have you got any chamomile tea? That's good for settling the tummy and calming. x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Think I'm having a blip

    Thank you Carnation.

    It is that annoying thing about feeling OK for a while, then wham you feel rotten again. I have been a bit slack on the meditation, although I do the 5 senses thing every morning and am continuing on doing yoga and swimming.

    I'll definitely get some camomile tea when I'm out shopping, my appetite is a bit off too, so maybe I'll have to get some things to tempt me as well.

    Who knows maybe I have got a bug? My go to is to blame anxiety, but I guess there is a chance it is some lurgy. I think I'll just try and take it easy the next couple of days and see how I get on.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Think I'm having a blip

    Sometimes it's way too easy to let things slip out of control, so don't be mad at yourself?
    ************************************************** ********
    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Think I'm having a blip

    And it's way too easy to plant seeds in the brain.
    I often used to feel I had the flu coming on when I it was just exhaustion.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Think I'm having a blip

    Myself, my dad, my brother and quite a few others I know have actually felt a bit ropey ourselves over the past few days, all feeling a bit sniffly, sinusy and nauseous. Me and my dad also felt like it this time last year, but actually far worse with diarrhoea as well, which (touch wood), no signs of with us so far on this particular occasion.

    But we're still far removed from our death beds though!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Think I'm having a blip

    Thank you all. I bought some camomile tea, I haven't had any yet as I found some ginger tea and went with that. I think it did help a little.

    Working on trying to not spiral into a Web of negative thoughts, which is a struggle at the moment, but hanging on in there.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Think I'm having a blip

    Can you do some self care tomorrow catkins?
    I've just been doing a bit of reflexology. It's a good stress release. Just rubbing and massaging your feet can have many benefits.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Think I'm having a blip

    Hang in there Catkins, it’s quite probably a blip, a bump in the road that maybe suggests ‘slow down a little’.

    I’ve always thought how well you do, so give yourself some real credit for that. However maybe some time focusing on your own needs is in order now and that’s not being selfish, you’ve earned it many times over ❤️

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Think I'm having a blip

    I am particularly bad at taking time out for myself. I have my routine stuff that I do, but I think I need to acknowledge that I sometimes need to do more. It's not always easy and I do have a habit of sorting others out first.

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