Hi! for around 2 months I've been feeling almost all the symptoms of the MS sticky: Twitching eyelids, some tingling here and there, flashes in my peripheral, muscle and joint aches, spasms... Almost ALL that stuff.

It bothered me a lot in the start, but as the days passed I learned to live with it and they seemed to get less present in my daily life, wich led me to believe I was pumping myself full of anxiety by spending whole nights awake looking for symptoms and some type of miracle that would make me be sure that it all was just what it seemed, anxiety.

But recently I started having some weird feelings in my mouth, like tremor in lips, mouth ceiling and my jaw, still didn't bother me as much since it only happened when I would lay down on my back when going to sleep. But a few days ago I started feeling a weird pressure in the back of my tongue and some sensation like someone is pinching it(usually in the back or the tip), along with very rare twitches at the back of the tongue as well, yesterday I just noticed that at around it's tip it seems to have some dents, but figured out it was because of my teeth.

I didn't really find this anywhere, but can anxiety or BFS affect the tongue/mouth this way? I also tought it could be related to my TMJ, but everything says that anything like this in the tongue is brain related and I haven't found any info that really says otherwise.

Thanks for any reply!