Historically antidepressants didn't do much for my health anxiety. Tried different ones, Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, all for 6 months + and while there are no health issues I am fine, but I am fine without them as well. When I get scared, I go into full on OCD panic mode even when on them so figured what's the point?

Gonna try with Duloxetine. Doc prescribed me couple of months ago, side effects were horrible so I stopped, but HA has been really tough to deal with recently and I am looking for a magic bullet so I will endure the side effects. The most difficult ones to deal with were diarrhea, stomach pain and nausea. Had other ones as well but these were very annoying.

As per instructions, starting with 30mg, but will probably move to 60mg soon. And I know it takes at least a month to see any benefits. No benefits before, hopefully this time it will be different.