Hi ladies,
What a lovely group .. I hope it’s ok for me to post and spill my worries?!
I’m only 37 but my mother had finished her menopause by 45 so un wondering if what I am experiencing could be the start of peri? I would be so grateful for some advice or maybe some reassurance. I have self-diagnosed health anxiety which makes me question every last little thing.
So I have always suffered from migraine with aura, since I was 11. There is a family link there. I would get them occasionally and was always able to cope with ibuprofen and quiet (not easy now when i have 4 children!). Since the beginning of the year, my cycles seemed to have shortened slightly (between my pregnancies, they would also change slightly - from clockwork days to 33 days). I can now have them 30-33 days apart and I’m sure they are lighter than they used to be. My migraine with aura have become more frequent - at least once a month. The main thing that’s worrying me though is that I also seem to have developed ‘standard’ migraines that always begin about 2 days before my period and will go on for 10 or 11 days!! I have head pain, brain fog, fatigue during these days and I’m just finding that I’m losing weeks of my life at the moment. They haven’t happened every single month since they began - I had one in Feb, March - in the months since then the headaches were mild but this month I’m in the middle of an awful one and I feel completely wiped out. I’m on day 9 and praying I feel better soon. I feel sorry my children who I just don’t have the energy for in the way that I should.
Do you think this sounds hormonal?
Thank you xx