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Thread: Women of a certain age...

  1. #61
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Women of a certain age...

    I'm pleased I'm not the only one catkins x

    Alpacagirl, it's good you can still have a sense of humour x

    Welcome to the club Brunette.
    You've got a bit of list there.
    I'm post meno too and yes, when will it end? x

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Women of a certain age...

    So ladies, I have a feeling I am the oldest here right now ( 62), but my menopause has been really hard, and I have suffered from a severe anxiety and OCD for years. I have had most of the symptoms that many of you have listed, lost my sex drive long ago, recently for the first time I developed some symptoms of silent reflux ( that is one of the things I never had before, in spite of my IBS), and the latest, going on for over a week now, this weird feeling in my bladder , it is like I am hyper aware of it, and it feels like a little pressure, like I have to pee way too often. I saw my doctor 2 days ago, and she did a complete urine analysis - all normal, absolutely nothing suspicious or off . She also felt my stomach and my pelvis, and even offered a gyno exam , but added she did not think I needed it, she would do it only for me to calm down. That is because I had had a real pelvic exam in early October, which was normal and that gynecologist told me that I do not need anything else, just to wait for a next yearly exam. So, I said to her: No, I am fine. She was really nice. ( it is so nice to have an understanding doctor)

    After this urine analysis and her reassuring words 2 days ago I though my mind will calm down, and these symptoms would disappear, but they are sort of still here ( a little bit of urgency, a little bit of pressure...). It is like I am completely focused just on my bladder. Shall I just wait for it to pass? Or shall I request an ultrasound?

    By the way, I am so, so tired of all these various symptoms over these years, really exhausted. Also - very depressed, and do not want to do anything fun. Nice to know, though, that there are other women with very similar symptoms, and we can share our experiences. Good health to all of you.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Women of a certain age...

    Lana, I'm sure you are not alone in your emotions and symptoms and this thread is certainly showing a little suffering in the change of a woman's life.
    I don't think anyone can say whether you have further investigation into your bladder, it's something you have to decide yourself. But... I know there are many others that have issues with their bladder and for me, having a pee has become a bit of an issue.
    For one thing, I'm super aware about wanting to go, staying hydrated, and those embarrassing dribbles from coughing, sneezing, laughing and sometimes from being anxious. I thought, "oh no, I'm going to have to go back to wearing pads again, because I feel myself giving myself that look of" have I done something? ".
    It's also common for that area to be less taut and despite trying those tightening exercises, it doesn't really help.
    None of this mattered pre menopause and I suppose it's something we just have to manage and cope with.
    The depression for me is more of a sadness, almost melancholy and I think if you've always had the potential to a bit that way, the menopause can certainly increase that. I try to put my mind to hobbies, helping other people and being grateful that I'm still alive, because life is precious and although growing older can have its issues the alternative is not better in my opinion.
    It does help to know other women may feel the same, have similar issues and it's good to talk. Let's face it, it's not a subject that comes up very often and not normally a conversation when socialising, that being another thing that seems to fade.
    I think it's important we try to see the positives in our lives and also to treat ourselves. Whether it's having a warm soak in the bath, a new outfit / haircut, a piece of cake, a bunch of flowers.... because us women go through a lot and we deserve it!

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Women of a certain age...

    Carnation I'm so glad you started this thread. It's so easy to feel alone with all these changes going on in your body and when you are prone to health anxiety it can be scary at times. I'm not someone who runs to the doctor about every little symptom (just the way I was brought up). So I tend to dwell on things for weeks before I finally make myself go. Of course by then my anxiety has imagined all sorts of stupid scenarios. Doesn't help that I have a medical background so I don't even need to google to scare myself

  5. #65
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Women of a certain age...

    I'm the same alpacagirl, you only went to the doctors if your arm or leg was dropping off, type of situation. It was take an aspirin for most things.
    Although my late mum in her latter life became a bit of a regular visitor, dad was sort of made of steel.
    I've got to admit I do have 'white coat syndrome' as I've got older and I tend to just put up with anything that arises.
    Let's hope we can all be some help to each other as far as the menopause is concerned because let's face it, it can be pretty scary experiencing our bodies changing.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Women of a certain age...

    Same here Carnation, hate going to the doctors...when you can get to see one that is....they scare me, they never seem to just treat you now like they used to, they refer you to someone one else at the hospital and that’s even scarier...

    Anyone find loosing weight more difficult after menopause, I do, no matter what I do I can’t shift those extra pounds, I can put it on quick enough though...

  7. #67
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Women of a certain age...

    The good ol family doctor gone YNWA.

    Yes, I gained weight, mostly on the timmy area and the times I cut out stuff which made no difference whatsoever so I thought I might as well eat the cake anyway and be happy!

  8. #68
    Join Date
    May 2021

    Re: Women of a certain age...

    It's definitely harder to loose weight. My waist seems to have gone on extended leave.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Women of a certain age...

    A good way of putting it catkins

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: Women of a certain age...

    I can still lose weight but it's a lot harder now! I have to count calories and walk a good hour a day ( which helps me mentally so don't mind the walking and the dog certainly doesn't mind haha). But the calorie counting gets boring after a while so I tend to gain and lose the same 2kg. Yes Carnation I remember only going to the doctors for vaccinations. If we had high fevers we'd just get the cold damp towels wrapped around our legs . Mind you it worked LOL. Now that I'm older I do have my yearly bloods and go if stuff lingers too long and starts to play on my mind too much. My doctor listens and only sends me for tests if she thinks it's medically necessary. She knows I have health anxiety and I told her ages ago not to send me for scans etc just for reassurance only if she thinks it needs further investigating. I trust her judgement and so far she's always been right. She used to be an ER doctor so I think she's good at knowing what the red flags are and doesn't hesitate to refer or test if it's really needed.

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