I live in an apartment building in Spain. I've seen bats flying around at night. I sleep with the window open, it's a big door type of windows that covers the entire wall, with a hard curtain down maybe 75% of the way.
Now I woke up one day with a scratch on my thigh, a bit higher than the back of the knee. Looks like a scratch maybe with a puncture also, hard to say. Discovered it as it hurt when I touched it with a towel after showering. The "bite" (see picture below) also burned for a few days, had to get a cream for it to stop. Like I could feel the area being hot. Is that a freaking bat/rabie thing? Idk.
My dumb brain is scared af I got bit by a bat. Now I read everywhere "bats don't bite", "you would wake up", "they can't escape", "if you didn't see a bat it's not a bat bite", "rabid bats can't fly good". I understand the logic of it, but honestly it feels more like wishful thinking to me. Also I understand this fear is probably f**** stupid, the odds don't work: odds the bat comes in, odds the bat don't wake me up, odds the bat bites me, odds I don't wake up on the bite, odds the bite escapes. Means more people would be infected as well. Then again the first CDC link is "you can be bitten when you sleep you wouldn't realize".
So yeah I feel like it sounds quite plausible a bat comes in, bites me on the back of the leg, somehow escapes attracted to the fresh air outside. I also think my fear is related to not understanding how rabies works in bats. Any expert in here? Are all these things true about bats I mention above? How the **** I can't even find scientific papers on bat behavior with rabies. Like would the bat bite me once then f*** off or would keep gnawing at me, FFS I would feel that for sure, wouldn't I? But then I'm not an expert so maybe I'm wrong.
Anyway sorry for the rant, it's really a dumb fear, I understand the odds, but somehow I still think it's very much a possibility. I'm angry at myself for giving in to such an absurd thing. But at the same time I wanna answer all these threads by "how do you know a bat wouldn't bite you and leave without you realizing, where is the data??". ughhh.
PS: I have HA I'm aware, and seeing a specialist. In the meantime, I'm stuck with that BS phobia.
PS2: attached a picture of the thing (roughly 3-4 days later), even tho I know you can't diagnose shit with it, nobody can, but why not.IMG-0972.jpg