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Thread: Ww3

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Ww3

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    Yeah, his mouthpieces keep threatening. No ones listens, we carry and they threaten again. That should tell us something? You've got to remember these people run countries and want to live. There is more chance of a nuke launching from some fanatical religious country but even then you will find the heads of such organisations tend to let their foot soldiers become martyrs whilst they enjoy their money.

    Forget the subject, look for the similarity in pattern. You mentioned this seems more rational than your HA but can't you see how the same patterns are taking place? You say this is because it's a possibility but then so is being run over by Lenco's bus. Are you obsessing over that? Are you obsessing over you being shot or stabbed because the odds of that are much higher than death from nuclear war.

    In the event of nuclear war you're either dead, dying or living in the ashes. But no matter what, it's out of your control. Are you marching, lobbying, picking up a gun? If not how can you do anything? It reminds me of school in the 80s. We were taught about preserving water and supplies in a shelter. We all said what was the point.
    I bet you were shown those 'Protect and Survive' brochures in class and probably also shown the dreaded PIFs of the time played from a VHS or Betamax tape through one of those big hulking TV sets wheeled into the classroom on a tall stand.

    All rather quaint now, but my god, I do remember being shown some stuff, especially during PSE lessons that was rather shocking at times, including the ITV docudrama 'Starting Out' and certain episodes of BBC's 'Scene', etc (though that's for another thread to discuss more in-depth), but never 'P & S' nor anything else to do with the Cold War at the time.

  2. #122
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    Mar 2014

    Re: Ww3

    Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
    I bet you were shown those 'Protect and Survive' brochures in class and probably also shown the dreaded PIFs of the time played from a VHS or Betamax tape through one of those big hulking TV sets wheeled into the classroom on a tall stand.

    All rather quaint now, but my god, I do remember being shown some stuff, especially during PSE lessons that was rather shocking at times, including the ITV docudrama 'Starting Out' and certain episodes of BBC's 'Scene', etc (though that's for another thread to discuss more in-depth), but never 'P & S' nor anything else to do with the Cold War at the time.
    I can't remember if we watched anything. It was more reading material. A video in a secondary comp, I think we only had one. It would have been around 1988 when we were talked through nuclear survival.

    What was the big thing missing? The part about surviving in a Mad Max style society. Watching the Walking Dead would be more accurate given how we would all turn on each other (the zombies are less unscrupulous than the survivors).
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  3. #123
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    Re: Ww3

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    I can't remember if we watched anything. It was more reading material. A video in a secondary comp, I think we only had one. It would have been around 1988 when we were talked through nuclear survival.

    What was the big thing missing? The part about surviving in a Mad Max style society. Watching the Walking Dead would be more accurate given how we would all turn on each other (the zombies are less unscrupulous than the survivors).
    I could very well be wrong but I thought that the worst of the nuke threat had passed by 88 or so, especially as Gorbachev assumed presidency of the (then) USSR 3 years earlier in 85, and there were allegedly (at the very least) peace talks going on in order to try to resolve the issue at the time, though of course that particular Cold War wasn't officially declared over until after 89 when the Berlin Wall had finally come down.

    But then again, I was still largely naive about and indifferent towards most things in the news and many issues in general back then at the age of 10 1/2 to 11 1/2, which spanned the entire calendar year of 88. Heck, even the Lockerbie tragedy at the end of 88 mostly seemed to pass me by at the time, and whenever I heard or saw planes flying overhead it still never even occurred to me (sorry to trigger anyone).

    Mind you, that was still before the advent of the Internet, social media, 24/7 rolling news channels and also when we were seemingly still a less hysterical and more laid-back society in general.

    However, a lot of that started to change dramatically as the 90s wore on, as you surely already know.

  4. #124
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    Aug 2017

    Re: Ww3

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    Yeah, his mouthpieces keep threatening. No ones listens, we carry and they threaten again. That should tell us something? You've got to remember these people run countries and want to live. There is more chance of a nuke launching from some fanatical religious country but even then you will find the heads of such organisations tend to let their foot soldiers become martyrs whilst they enjoy their money.

    Forget the subject, look for the similarity in pattern. You mentioned this seems more rational than your HA but can't you see how the same patterns are taking place? You say this is because it's a possibility but then so is being run over by Lenco's bus. Are you obsessing over that? Are you obsessing over you being shot or stabbed because the odds of that are much higher than death from nuclear war.

    In the event of nuclear war you're either dead, dying or living in the ashes. But no matter what, it's out of your control. Are you marching, lobbying, picking up a gun? If not how can you do anything? It reminds me of school in the 80s. We were taught about preserving water and supplies in a shelter. We all said what was the point.
    "No chance of survival" was by putin himself, "if we loss this could trigger nuclear war" was said by his defense secretary and backed by their version of the white house. And "the us is our ture enemy" was also said by putin. There have been dozens of times on the last two years that he's threatened the usa with force/nukes, and what dose our commander and chief do? Say how we're not backing down in a open letter last night, saying how putin is a danger to democracy and the world. He did emphasize that the army would not take up arms against Russia against this war, but still. Its enough to get our asses nuked just because we can't mind our own business.

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    Last edited by fma11122345; 20-11-23 at 01:31.

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Ww3

    So you're okay with the bloodbath in the Ukraine?
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  6. #126
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    Re: Ww3

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueIris View Post
    So you're okay with the bloodbath in the Ukraine?
    No, I'm not. It never should have gotten this bad, but I'm not willing to loss my life and the life of my family just because America feels the need to police the world. The same goes for Israel. Yes, 1200 people where killed. That's awful. 12000 people have been killed in Gaza, Israel has made its point. Don't **** with them, enough is enough. And now there's a 3rd war brewing in the Baltic's. A coincidence? Highly doubtful. Everyone of theses countrys have one thing in common. Russia.

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  7. #127
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    Re: Ww3

    Quote Originally Posted by fma11122345 View Post
    No, I'm not. It never should have gotten this bad, but I'm not willing to loss my life and the life of my family just because America feels the need to police the world. The same goes for Israel. Yes, 1200 people where killed. That's awful. 12000 people have been killed in Gaza, Israel has made its point. Don't **** with them, enough is enough. And now there's a 3rd war brewing in the Baltic's. A coincidence? Highly doubtful. Everyone of theses countrys have one thing in common. Russia.

    Sent from my SM-G960U1 using Tapatalk
    Well my dad watches either our BBC News channel or the Sky News more or less every day and neither have mentioned anything about a WW3 being imminent, nor have they said anything about an Armageddon of any kind being imminent. Heck, even Monsieur Putin and his dubious antics have barely been given a look in by our media over recent weeks, unless you're now suspecting our media of 'playing down' the threats pertaining to Putin and Co and the imminent threats of a Third World War?

  8. #128
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    Aug 2013

    Re: Ww3

    13 pages of this now. The same thing is being said over and over. The OP will not and apparently cannot refrain from feeding this dragon. Nothing said can quell or resolve the dragon's hunger here. It's up to the OP to do so

    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

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  9. #129
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    Re: Ww3

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishmanpa View Post
    13 pages of this now. The same thing is being said over and over. The OP will not and apparently cannot refrain from feeding this dragon. Nothing said can quell or resolve the dragon's hunger here. It's up to the OP to do so

    Seconded. Indulging in a bit too much 'doomscrolling' and indeed 'clutching at straws' methinks.

    I personally feel compassion fatigue now starting to set in.

  10. #130
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    Aug 2017

    Re: Ww3

    Quote Originally Posted by Lencoboy View Post
    Seconded. Indulging in a bit too much 'doomscrolling' and indeed 'clutching at straws' methinks.

    I personally feel compassion fatigue now starting to set in.
    I apologize, it was never my intent to make any of you guys feel this way. I know this is irrational, it just feels so incredibly real to me. I come on here to vent, its helped here and there. But its never enough to get me fully calmed down as something just as scarry happens the nexts day. I know I can't control this, but my brain is telling me "stay vigilant, or else" i know its no way to live and I need to get on with my life.

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