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Thread: im freaking out about antibiotics and what they could cause! i took them for 4 days

  1. #1

    im freaking out about antibiotics and what they could cause! i took them for 4 days

    i had tooth extraction/surgery with stitches and dentist described antibiotics i took only 9 pills every 12 hours and stopped

    now im freaking out about gut health and cancers because good bacteria is gone!

    im starting now to eat everything:
    apples - banana - yogurt - wheat bran - and i will continue to do so and many other fruits and veggies daily - its actually my diet for years -

    but am i okay for now? did i damage myself irreversibly?? i have upset stomach for 3 days now and it is scaring me

    i stopped now as i also don't think its needed for tooth extraction also i already took it for 3 days its enough

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2019

    Re: im freaking out about antibiotics and what they could cause! i took them for 4 da

    They wouldn’t give them to people if they caused damage that easily.

    You should really finish the course stopping them early can actually cause issues.

  3. #3

    Re: im freaking out about antibiotics and what they could cause! i took them for 4 da

    Quote Originally Posted by Kitkat99 View Post
    They wouldn’t give them to people if they caused damage that easily.

    You should really finish the course stopping them early can actually cause issues.
    thank you so much

    hmmm i stopped since it is already not necessary for tooth extraction as i read.. so i don't even have infection or bacteria to worry about in order for me to continue the course

    i read also that usually 3,5,7 days are the usual course for mild antibiotics and i already did 3 days
    total of moxiclav1g: amoxicillin 875 mg which is already high dose than 500mg along with clavulanic acid 125mg
    total is 18 pills and i already took 9 pills for 3 days

    am i making logical assessments here?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2019

    Re: im freaking out about antibiotics and what they could cause! i took them for 4 da

    I would just follow what your dentist says not what Google says.

    But ultimately it’s your choice.

  5. #5

    Re: im freaking out about antibiotics and what they could cause! i took them for 4 da

    thank you so much 🙏

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: im freaking out about antibiotics and what they could cause! i took them for 4 da

    I am not trying to cause any trouble here, but unnecessary antibiotics almost 8 years ago gave me C Diff. infection of the intestines from which it took me literally years to properly replenish my gut flora. I am not saying that would happen to you, but I do agree that prophylactic antibiotics , especially in dental cases like extractions, are medically proven to be overkill. This actually has been a common medical knowledge for some time now and responsible dentists give them only when there is a real danger of infection. This is easy to check. All the best to you bela1879.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: im freaking out about antibiotics and what they could cause! i took them for 4 da

    Make sure you eat plain yogurt, with the antibiotics it can cause your gut flora to get out of wack.

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