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Thread: GB News-The hard-Right 'has-beens' club?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    GB News-The hard-Right 'has-beens' club?

    I know this subject might be a tad controversial, but I often read the 'GB News' thread on the Digital Spy forum for a sense of amusement, especially as the vast majority of its posts comically berate said channel, plus I personally avoid said channel like the plague myself IRL, but more recently it seems to have become a magnet for hard-Right 'has-beens' like Nigel Farage, and now Boris Johnson, plus there's even talk of gobsh1te Tommy Robinson (aka Stephen-Yaxley-Lennon) becoming part of their line-up of presenters.

    Though part of me thinks this could backfire on all these losers all the more, especially as they're probably more likely to be under even greater scrutiny from the likes of OFCOM, etc, when spewing their eternal venom and bile.

    In fact, I can't imagine why any otherwise sane person would seriously worship these evermore parasitic charlatans who are now basically 'has-beens' desperately still trying to remain relevant by pandering to like-minded individuals via a 'wannabe' news channel who now (thank God) seem to be a dying breed at long last, especially according to most opinion polls of late.

  2. #2
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    Jul 2016

    Re: GB News-The hard-Right 'has-beens' club?

    Agreed Lenco. It's defiantly right wing. Which is just as bad as left wing. You don't get any debate or discussion. Just arguments. I firmly believe they are controversial on purpose because it gets people riled up and talking. Typical right wing behavior's.
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  3. #3
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    Re: GB News-The hard-Right 'has-beens' club?

    Quote Originally Posted by WiredIncorrectly View Post
    Agreed Lenco. It's defiantly right wing. Which is just as bad as left wing. You don't get any debate or discussion. Just arguments. I firmly believe they are controversial on purpose because it gets people riled up and talking. Typical right wing behavior's.
    Absolutely, even though said channel is hardly the most viewed by all and sundry right now.

    In fact, I can't understand why any remotely sane person would want to watch it religiously.

    I also agree that some hard-Lefters can be problematic in their own right, but for some years now it's seemingly been largely the hard-Righters that have been (and still are) the most vocal and angry of all, and indeed among the most hypocritical.

  4. #4
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    Re: GB News-The hard-Right 'has-beens' club?

    Agreed. I remember when I followed right wingers, and watched them. At the time I was very depressed, low in life, didn't trust anybody etc. For many it feels like they belong to something. They believe they're a part of the change. They congregate online, and IRL. In the case of people like Tommy. and Trump, they create a cult like following. Some big tech heads like Musk do the same thing.

    I think many people who follow the hard-liners are they type to be easily misled. The hard left can be equally violent, but according to statistics, 70% is hard right.

    These days I consider myself neither left, not right, nor anything in between
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  5. #5
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    Re: GB News-The hard-Right 'has-beens' club?

    Quote Originally Posted by WiredIncorrectly View Post
    Agreed. I remember when I followed right wingers, and watched them. At the time I was very depressed, low in life, didn't trust anybody etc. For many it feels like they belong to something. They believe they're a part of the change. They congregate online, and IRL. In the case of people like Tommy. and Trump, they create a cult like following. Some big tech heads like Musk do the same thing.

    I think many people who follow the hard-liners are they type to be easily misled. The hard left can be equally violent, but according to statistics, 70% is hard right.

    These days I consider myself neither left, not right, nor anything in between
    I think you're correct in the sense that a lot of those who get sucked into a lot of the hard-Right cults are gullible and extremely misled, plus are no doubt among certain elements of the chronically disenfranchised among our society, as you just admitted that you yourself got a bit embroiled in Right-wing stuff a few years back while you were going through a bad patch but soon realised you were being taken for a ride by them.

    But then again, most of us thankfully live and learn, even if it is the hard way.

    What I'm concerned about right now is certain people in this country getting all riled up over current events in the Middle East and heard that there's fears of potential disturbances happening in London this weekend over it, but strangely not directly over pre-existing issues closer to home that should be impacting on us far more immediately (e.g, cuts/austerity).

    It's as if a lot of those 'other' issues have suddenly been dropped like hot potatoes since all this first kicked off exactly a month ago today.

  6. #6
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    Re: GB News-The hard-Right 'has-beens' club?

    This is because people in the Middle East are dying horribly, at a worrying rate.
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  7. #7
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    Re: GB News-The hard-Right 'has-beens' club?

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueIris View Post
    This is because people in the Middle East are dying horribly, at a worrying rate.
    Yes they are, and I'm not in any way trivialising nor belittling this terrible situation, but I find it extremely distasteful that there are allegedly certain hooligan elements who are gagging to use this as an opportunity to wreak chaos and wanton destruction on the streets of London (and possibly other major cities too) and very likely to use it to vent their anger and grievances against other pre-existing issues at the same time.

    Peaceful protests by all means, but not full-on August 2011-style mob violence, which Suella Braverman seems to be quaking in her boots over the alleged prospects of right now, though that might even turn out to be some kind of self-fulfilling prophecy of her own making.

  8. #8
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    Re: GB News-The hard-Right 'has-beens' club?

    None of this is going to affect you.
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    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  9. #9
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    Re: GB News-The hard-Right 'has-beens' club?

    Yeah the Israel problem is awful. Israel are killing their own people using the weapons/money the US/UK/France et al. are sending. People want their Governments to stop supporting this. Hence all the protests.

    To put it into context it would be like Ukraine dropping bombs on its own towns to kill the Russian soldiers, while also killing all of its people in those towns.
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    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


  10. #10
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    Re: GB News-The hard-Right 'has-beens' club?

    Quote Originally Posted by WiredIncorrectly View Post
    Yeah the Israel problem is awful. Israel are killing their own people using the weapons/money the US/UK/France et al. are sending. People want their Governments to stop supporting this. Hence all the protests.

    To put it into context it would be like Ukraine dropping bombs on its own towns to kill the Russian soldiers, while also killing all of its people in those towns.
    I would doubt or there can't be many Jews living in the Gaza Strip, can't imagine that would be tolerated by the Palestinian factions?
    We sell them weapons, have done since the formation of Israel. I believe the US is quite generous with its aid package. I don't think we provide anything other the humanitarian aid though, Israel isn't a poor country, I doubt they need any aid from us.

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