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Thread: 20 year old - pain/spotting and heavy periods with clots

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    20 year old - pain/spotting and heavy periods with clots

    Mu daughter is 20 and when younger had heavy periods, she was put on the pill but came off it 3 years ago due to weight gain and depression. She has had regular periods since and are totally mangeable. She has just been on holiday for 3 weeks and had a very heavy peiod whilst away with large clots, she is still spotting and having cramps now and then. Some days she wipes and has a small smear of blood, somedays brown discharge. She feels constipated but has managed to go but just not as regular. We are waiting for the GP to call back (it's been 4 days now!) She is feeling tired and this has been going on for a whole month now. I'm starting to panic that it could be something serious this anxiety talking.
    Has anyone a similar age had these issues. thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: 20 year old - pain/spotting and heavy periods with clots

    Has she managed to get in to see the doctor? My first guess would be maybe fibroids? I only say that because I dealt with them for so many years and they can cause all that you're saying. But, it could also be a weird flukey thing with her body/hormones because she was traveling.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: 20 year old - pain/spotting and heavy periods with clots

    Quote Originally Posted by ErinKC View Post
    Has she managed to get in to see the doctor? My first guess would be maybe fibroids? I only say that because I dealt with them for so many years and they can cause all that you're saying. But,as it could also be a weird flukey thing with her body/hormones because she was traveling.
    Thank you so much for replying. We pleaded with her GP to see her as she carried on passing 7/8 clots the size of a bar of soap but they refused to see her. We ended up in A&E for over 9 hours!. NHS totally broken. They took bloods but all good, pregancy test negative, they were worried she was having a miscarriage. Told her it was probably her hormones being all over the place due to travelling/drinking etc when away. She is stil bleeding and has an appt with her GP on 6th Dec. She has also had a tummy bug and been sick all day yesterday. Poor thing just isn't getting a break at the moment. Obvioulsy still very tired due to all the bleeding I expect. I've told her to insist she gets a scan at the very least.
    I'm still anxious but telling myself the Dr at the hospital would have picked something up if serious and her bloods are all good.
    They also advised her to go back on the pill

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: 20 year old - pain/spotting and heavy periods with clots

    I hope she got some more answers at the appointment this week! America's healthcare system is, obviously, extraordinarily screwed up, but the one thing I do appreciate is being able to go straight to the specialist! At age 20, I'd imagine it's very unlikely to be anything sinister, but even the benign gynecological issues can be so life disrupting!

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