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Thread: Is anxiety causing this?

  1. #1

    Is anxiety causing this?

    Hi all. For the last couple months when it came time to relax and go to sleep, I was noticing that I was getting a really quick rush of adrenaline (like the stomach butterfly feeling) where my heart is. At first I thought it was just a mind thing, but one day I decided to check my pulse to see if it was actually my heart and it turns out it was. When it happens there is a really short pause before it just starts going again. Based on what I've read this is pretty normal, especially with people who have anxiety. Anyway since I noticed it was an issue with my heart it has got 10x worse. Yesterday it was happening on and off all day, even whilst I was doing things that it has never happened with before. Then at bed time, where it usually only happens every 10 minutes or so, it was happening almost constantly. In the end I had to wake my partner up as I was in such a panic and he had to help me get to sleep. Eventually I did get to sleep and it didn't wake me up. I've woken up this morning and so far it's been about 30 minutes and nothing has occured.

    Based on what I've read, it seems anxiety can cause heart palpitations, but can it really cause these types of palpitations? I can understand making you feel your heartbeat go fast, but to literally make your heart skip a beat? It seems crazy.

    Anyway I would love to know if this is something that overthinking can make worse. I don't want to sit up A&E for 12 hours today just to be told I'm fine. I don't seem to have any other symptoms like chest pain, lightheadedness or whatever else. I plan to ring my doctor Wednesday, but 4 days is a long time and I don't want to have a heart attack over Christmas (sorry for being dramatic but that's what my anxiety is telling me is gonna happen).

    Thanks and merry Christmas

  2. #2

    Re: Is anxiety causing this?

    This is the first time I’ve replied to a post on here. I’ve been coming to this site for years for reassurance. But— I could have written this myself. This EXACT same thing has been happening to me for about a week. I had a panic attack after it happened the first time and couldn’t sleep until 4 am. I’ve been extremely anxious ever since then. I’ve had some days where it feels better but last night it happened a lot and today it’s been there pretty much all day. I feel the exact same adrenaline rush and sometimes my arms and face feel hot and tingly too. It’s awful. I’ve been so worried about it. I’ve been diagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome and dysautonomia so I’ve had a lot of heart checks in the past. They’ve all been normal. I’m not sure if it’s related to that or just anxiety. I’m sorry I haven’t been very helpful, but just want to tell you that you’re not alone. And if you go to the dr and find anything out about it, let me know. I’ll do the same.

  3. #3

    Re: Is anxiety causing this?

    I went to the Dr about it on Wednesday just gone and he had a listen to my chest. He said my heart beat was fine and my heart sounded healthy, but he ordered an ECG. He warned me if I start feeling pain and chest tightness I have to go up to A&E. Of course since he said that all I've felt is pain and chest tightness. He was a dismissive pig and when I tried to talk to him about my anxiety he just couldn't have cared less. I said my anxiety causes all kind of symptoms and he just repeated "well any pain you need to ring an ambulance". Without proper explanation and care never tell someone with health anxiety they could die 😭 anyways I will let you know what happens at my ECG. My heart palpitations haven't got any worse or better.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Is anxiety causing this?

    Some doctors have shocking bedside manners. No people empathy at all.

    Good luck with your results.
    It’s a cruel beast that you feed…..


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