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Thread: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

    Hello everyone I was wondering if anyone else had this? I had an internal ultrasound scan last December to check my thickness of my endometrium and fibroid as I’ve been getting a lot of period type pain constantly and so I paid for a private ultrasound and they told me my endometrium thickness is 19.3mm and my fibroid has grown since I saw them last in 2022 as the lining was thick then but not as thick as it is now. I’m going out of my mind with worry! I don’t know what to do has anyone else had this? Or any advice I willupd be so grateful thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

    Quote Originally Posted by Lilcharlie View Post
    Hello everyone I was wondering if anyone else had this? I had an internal ultrasound scan last December to check my thickness of my endometrium and fibroid as I’ve been getting a lot of period type pain constantly and so I paid for a private ultrasound and they told me my endometrium thickness is 19.3mm and my fibroid has grown since I saw them last in 2022 as the lining was thick then but not as thick as it is now. I’m going out of my mind with worry! I don’t know what to do has anyone else had this? Or any advice I willupd be so grateful thank you
    The thickness is almost certainly from the fibroids. Are your fibroids inside the uterus? Fibroids suck. I dealt with them for 15+ years and mine were MASSIVE.

  3. #3
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    Feb 2009

    Re: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

    Quote Originally Posted by ErinKC View Post
    The thickness is almost certainly from the fibroids. Are your fibroids inside the uterus? Fibroids suck. I dealt with them for 15+ years and mine were MASSIVE.
    Thank you so much for your reply ❤️ Do you think it’s from the fibroid?it says in the comments from the scan that the endometrium is very thick even on day 20 of cycle. Fibroid has grown since last scan in 2022 but it does not disrupt the endometrium.did you have a thick endometrium because of your fibroids? Bless you it’s horrid isn’t it! I’ve got constant period type pains that goes round my lower back and down my legs and it’s feels like someone is tugging my insides down periods are absolutely awful! I lose so much bloody for three days and then it calms down but goes on for 7-9 days

  4. #4
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    Re: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

    I’ve also seen on my notes the fibroid is in the posterior wall of the uterus

  5. #5
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    Re: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

    I went back and looked at some of my old scan reports and mine was not thickened. But, all of my fibroids grew outside, so I wonder if that would keep it from affecting the thickness. I would just ask the doctor to clarify, though I'm sure if there was any other reason for it or reason to worry they would have mentioned it already. But I know they can really distort your uterus, so it would seem likely to me to be the culprit.

    The "lucky" thing about mine being on the outside is that I didn't have the terrible bleeding that some people have, but I had so much pain all the time. I ended up having a hysterectomy three years ago because there were so many and they were so massive - my uterus weighed 3 pounds! A normal one weights about 60 grams (0.13 pounds).

  6. #6
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    Re: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

    Quote Originally Posted by ErinKC View Post
    I went back and looked at some of my old scan reports and mine was not thickened. But, all of my fibroids grew outside, so I wonder if that would keep it from affecting the thickness. I would just ask the doctor to clarify, though I'm sure if there was any other reason for it or reason to worry they would have mentioned it already. But I know they can really distort your uterus, so it would seem likely to me to be the culprit.

    The "lucky" thing about mine being on the outside is that I didn't have the terrible bleeding that some people have, but I had so much pain all the time. I ended up having a hysterectomy three years ago because there were so many and they were so massive - my uterus weighed 3 pounds! A normal one weights about 60 grams (0.13 pounds).
    I have only one fibroid but it’s not that big and that’s what’s got in my head maybe it’s the dreaded C word that’s causing all this I’m so scared. I’m done to having my uterus removed on the 14th February I’ve had a confirmed date today and the fibroid should be also going 🤞🏻but I hope they take it away and send it for testing as honestly my head is so bad, I hope when they are in there they have a look around and make sure everything is ok. Honestly my head is seriously all over the place and I can’t even eat or drink. My endometrium was never this thick a couple of years ago and I had a fibroid then but it’s been getting thicker so sending me alarm bells!

    im so glad you had your hysterectomy mine is only uterus to be removed so I go though menopause myself but im so pleased you are not in any discomfort bless you and thank you so much for talking with me my head is really all over the show and I need to lot Google!

  7. #7
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    Re: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

    Oh, that's great news about your surgery! They will definitely send everything off for testing - that's what they did for mine and all was well even though they'd grown absolutely massive and in a short time!

    I also only had my uterus (and cervix and fallopian tubes) taken, so I still have ovaries that are chugging along! It was honestly the best decision I ever made! I waited so long and was in pain for so long and it's been three years next week with no pain or pesky periods - glorious!

    Also, I did some googling and saw this: During secretory phase (Days 15–28), the endometrium measures 16–18 mm and is more echogenic. So, honestly, it seems like 19 mm is not that far outside the bounds. That combined with the fact that you have a growing fibroid seems not at all alarming!

    Best of luck on your surgery!! I was very nervous before mine, but even with how big and complex my uterus was it went off without a hitch and I didn't have any complications. Just be ready to take it easy! Also, because of all the pain I was in before, I actually had less pain during recovery than I'd had going into surgery so even post-op pain was a relief!

  8. #8
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    Re: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

    Thank you so much for googling for me as everytime I’ve been googling it’s sending me right into panic and all I see is horror stories! So the endometrium can grow due to a fibroid? I am in such a mess so thank you! 2 weeks waiting for surgery seems like a year away and being in constant pain down there is making me feel like I’ve got something very serious as I keep feeling like I’ve got a full bladder and making me feel like everything is getting sharpiskly tugged but when I’ve pushed slightly on my uterus area my goodness it’s so tender!

    im so pleased you are all ok and I’m hoping after surgery I get some relief but I know when it’s sent off for testing my head will still be a worry and I will want to run away from results!

  9. #9
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    Re: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

    I have read that fibroids can thicken endometrium. I know the pain makes it seem like it's something terrible, but it's because everyone minimized how painful fibroids can be. My old doctor told me fibroids don't cause pain. I had so much pain that I could not even touch my abdomen. Just a light touch would be horrific and the pain spread through my pelvis and up around my side. My daughter was between 4 and 7 when my pain was the worst and I'd have to block her with my arms when she'd run up to hug me because my pain was so bad!

    Do you know how big your fibroid is?

  10. #10
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    Feb 2009

    Re: Endometrium thickness 19.3mm

    Quote Originally Posted by ErinKC View Post
    I have read that fibroids can thicken endometrium. I know the pain makes it seem like it's something terrible, but it's because everyone minimized how painful fibroids can be. My old doctor told me fibroids don't cause pain. I had so much pain that I could not even touch my abdomen. Just a light touch would be horrific and the pain spread through my pelvis and up around my side. My daughter was between 4 and 7 when my pain was the worst and I'd have to block her with my arms when she'd run up to hug me because my pain was so bad!

    Do you know how big your fibroid is?

    I have had a phone call today to say I’m getting a two week fast track referral for suspected cancer and my whole body has gone like jelly I can’t cope I feel so sick! My fibroid says is 29mm which I guess isn’t that big at all. I hope this fast track biopsy will come quickly and I can get seen as I’m in such a constant worrying state it’s not good as my anxiety has gone I to over drive.

    I was also told fibroids doesn’t cause pain so that makes me worry a heck of a lot more. It’s the constant pressure and tugging and sharp pains all done there it feels horrendous

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