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Thread: Awaiting CT scan results after ENT appt.

  1. #1

    Awaiting CT scan results after ENT appt.

    Hello all,

    I was hoping not to find myself back here (No disrespect meant!)

    A summary of the events that led me back are:

    After an upper respiratory tract infection in May 2023 (possibly covid, didn't test) I started getting a very runny nose, clear mucus but lasted a day. I was then getting a bad smell in my nose, slightly rotten, especially if I bent down and got up again (still persisting)

    I went to the GP in around June of last year and was given antibiotics, which did nothing, then on following appointments until around September 2023 I was given steroid spray, and also strong antihistamines along with water nasal sprays.

    My symptoms persisted, and I was (finally)after several months given an ENT appointment. Which I attended. I went, explained the symptoms. He did a nasal endoscopy which revealed a deviated septum, and some purulent mucus discharge from my left sinus. He referred me on for a CT which I had at the beginning of January.

    Now I was mostly OK up till the scan, and then I started reading about sinus cancer, tumours and all the other things, remembering this started May last year. I emailed the ENT desk to ask when the CT scan would be back and they said they aim for 2-3 weeks.

    It is now nearly 4 weeks (on Monday) and although I generally feel no news is good news and that anything would have been flagged and I would have had an urgent referral by now, well I guess you know where my head is? the what if's and as the appointment gets closer I am terrified of attending the follow up which is on March 5th in the morning.

    I should add that the reason I believe the sinus pressure/blockage is persistent is because I have a premolar on my top row of teeth that I think is infected as it has broken at the gum line, and most of my symptoms match of what's called Odontogenic sinusitis, which is where the roots of an infected molar, or premolar break into the maxillary sinus cavity. As a sidenote, my sinus seems to fill up when I am upright, active during the day, but when I lay on my right side to sleep (blocked sinus is left one), largely the sinus fully clears, and I can breathe clearly through that nostril again.

    I guess what I am really thinking here is, would I have heard from anyone by now (4 weeks) since the CT was done, if anything was suspect?

    Thanks for reading this, it has been crippling the last couple of months, affecting my relationships with my partner, children and worklife.

    Thank you

  2. #2

    Re: Awaiting CT scan results after ENT appt.

    Anyone with any experience of waiting for CT scans in the UK?

    Would be ever so grateful if someone thinks my timeline above means everything is normal?

    Thank you

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Awaiting CT scan results after ENT appt.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kark1970 View Post
    I guess what I am really thinking here is, would I have heard from anyone by now (4 weeks) since the CT was done, if anything was suspect?
    I'm in the US but when I went to the doctor due to a large, hard, immovable node in my neck that didn't respond to antibiotics, I was immediately referred for a CT scan. Within days I was booked with an ENT and a biopsy was done. I had the results within two days and was diagnosed. I'm 11 years clean. IMO, regardless of the country, if they suspect something serious or see something serious on a scan, you'll be fast tracked. This is one of those 'no news is good news' situations IMO.

    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  4. #4

    Re: Awaiting CT scan results after ENT appt.

    Thanks Fishmanpa,

    My monkey brain is clearly on high alert! It doesn't help that all my symptoms match chronic sinusitis and the other dreaded outcome that has very similar symptoms.

    I emailed my ENT dept and stated how bad my HA is, so hopefully they'll be able to let me know where in the process they are with it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Re: Awaiting CT scan results after ENT appt.

    It’s criminal that you must wait that long for a radiologist report in the UK. In the US the reports usually come back in 24 hours or less.

    Anyway, your symptoms sound like maxillary sinusitis and concha bullosa. Neti pot might help. Have that tooth looked at.

  6. #6

    Re: Awaiting CT scan results after ENT appt.

    Agreed, lots of things i could say about the state of our NHS, but likely not suitable for this board!

    I think for most people (non HA) it isn't a problem, but those that worry as many do, as this forum is testament to, it can seem like an eternity!

  7. #7

    Re: Awaiting CT scan results after ENT appt.

    I got a reply from the ENT dept admin, that said:

    'The letter says that the scan showed signs of sinus blockage on both sides. This might be due to inflammation or obstructing lesion.
    When you see the doctor next week they will go through it in more detail and check your nasal airways'

    The words obstructing lesion have me panicking now. They said the letter is on it's way and have not changed my appointment next Tuesday with the specialist.

    What do you think I can I take away from this update? I am shaking quite. lot right now

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Re: Awaiting CT scan results after ENT appt.

    I think a nasal polyp would fall under that obstructing lesion category, which is far more common than anything sinister.

    ETA: The fact it's both sides as well would probably point to inflammation, though I'm not a doctor so take it with a pinch of salt!!

  9. #9

    Re: Awaiting CT scan results after ENT appt.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mocadona View Post
    I think a nasal polyp would fall under that obstructing lesion category, which is far more common than anything sinister.
    Thanks for replying, I did get checked with a nasal endoscopy by the ENT, and that was clear of polyps, just deviated septum.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Re: Awaiting CT scan results after ENT appt.

    That's good! So if you are happy you are clear of polyps, then surely you are happy you are clear of anything bigger?!

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