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Thread: My Week From Hell

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    My Week From Hell

    Not sure if this is the correct place to post because I'm new to posting but I'm sure someone will redirect me if necessary.
    I have had another week from hell which prompted me into sharing on here, I've been a member for some time but only ever lurked for reassurance and advice before now .
    I have suffered from anxiety most of my life but managed to live a reasonably normal life, however after losing my Mum last year and my beloved Dog early this year I seem to have taken lots of other family members health problems on board.
    My very dear Uncle aged 80 was diagnosed with Terminal Prostrate Cancer last year and I've been supporting him throughout, another Uncle aged 83 has has two falls resulting in two broken femur and I've been supporting him and his wife and finally my Daughters Mother In Law is showing signs of early onset dementia and she's constantly on the telephone.
    I thought I was OK but a day spent on the chemo ward with Uncle has sent me spiralling.
    I appear to be able to cope with crisis, I cared for a very disabled (Brain haemorrhage) but mentally sound Dad from 2003- 2013 and a dementia ridden Mum from 2007- 2020 when a final fall rendered her in care and we lost her September last year but I fear it catches up with me and so far this week I've had MS, Ovarian Cancer, Bowel Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer and now Breast Cancer.
    I found immense help from ladies I found on here with similar problems and I thought posting for any newcomers might just help.
    The only symptoms I have now is a very slight discomfort in my left breast so I appear to have recovered from the previous days cancers, however my head is still very much in an extreme anxious state.
    I am taking some comfort from my contact with other members that this forum may well be my lifeline.
    I hope my posting isn't too rambling or too long
    Last edited by JHR; 01-08-24 at 19:57.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: My Week From Hell

    Never too long and definitely not a ramble
    I'm not at all surprised you had a week from hell. Seriously are you some human angel that appears as soon as someone needs you. How on earth do you find time for yourself? You were even helping me today. Somethings gotta give (good film by the way).
    But you've started something that may be a bit difficult to get out of with all the caring you do. And you're not the type to just walk away. What you can do is start introducing others to do some of the load, either family, friends or neighbours. Just a little here and there adds up and you can use that extra time for yourself.
    With all you do it's not possible to have something wrong with you, think about that one.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Re: My Week From Hell

    Thank you Carnation but you've helped me more and my other half is always telling me you couldn't do what you do if you were poorly but poor soul has done everything this week I've been totally wiped out....I'm really trying to put everything I've learnt into action just wish this huge knot of anxiety would do one.
    It will I know it always does.
    I've had a word with both Uncles and poor souls are horrified to think they've made me poorly, I have explained its not their fault but mine but they must ask their respective health providers for ongoing support because I'm not at all capable at the moment and Son In Law has taken his Mum to stay with his sister in London, most I've got is her ageing pooch to look after but she's a little sweetie so I'm hoping g a few furry cuddles might help...thank you for being there and I truly hope you ocular migraine does one tomorrow too

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: My Week From Hell

    In my opinion I just think you need a rest x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Re: My Week From Hell

    Now I really think you're in cohorts with my OH

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: My Week From Hell

    Sensible advice, though. Is that the dog you mentioned in your photo?
    ************************************************** ********
    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Re: My Week From Hell

    No Blue all the photies I had of my beloved Patrick were too big so I found that one on here nearest one that looked like him FB_IMG_1646578677988.jpg
    I'm hopeless with tech but I think I've found how to do it.
    The picture is my Paddy Dog, we look after Brixton who is our Daughters Dog rescued from Portugal and the Old lady we are having next week is Nelly Border Terrier .
    Paddy was my very best friend and I've missed him so much.
    Hope you're coping with your basket full of anxieties today

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: My Week From Hell

    Aw, what a sweetie, no wonder you miss him so much!

    I'm okay, honestly mostly just cranky because it's not nice being crampy in this hot weather. Once I'm done today, though, I have 2 weeks off and a bunch of new beads and fun things to do with them.

    Sorry you're having such an awful week.
    ************************************************** ********
    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Re: My Week From Hell

    You try and make sure you enjoy it...I gave up paid employment in 2003 to look after Mum and Dad and I after losing them there are days when I miss work but I'm too old to take on responsibilities now so I'm going to try and enjoy retirement

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: My Week From Hell

    He looks gorgeous JFR. They are not just pets, they are part of the family. I have a Norwegian Forest Cat, he's my best pal and my child, lol.

    I bet you are looking forward to your 2 weeks off Blueiris.
    You should show some of your beaded work on here, you so have a talent.

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