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Thread: Head Cold Or COVID?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Head Cold Or COVID?

    So Wednesday I started sneezing like crazy, then getting a runny nose, blowing my nose constantly, no fever, coughing up phlegm. I have limited taste and cannot smell anything. No sore throat, just a very stuffed up nose and cough, why does my brain go to , I have COVID, when I can remember being sick like this way before COVID was even a thing, I am talking when I was a kid, teen, and young adult, I would get head colds and stuffed nose couldn't smell or taste, now I am like do I have a headcold aka upper respiratory infection, or COVID.
    I have not been out at all Since June, and haven't been around anyone other than my husband.
    Symptoms :

    1st (after turning into flown blown head cold/ upper resp infection) day feeling like I am going to need a jack hammer to unclog my nose, can taste food, blowing my nose like crazy, dripping nose, from one side, while other is clogged with what feels like cement. Cough. No Fever Can still taste food. (Thursday) (Can't really smell anything)
    2nd day Coughing a lot, hacking up phlegm, nose still stuffy Can still taste food, Can't really smell anything
    3rd day still stuffed up, not coughing up so much phlegm, cannot smell anything, and taste has lessened.
    I asked hubby to get me a COVID test as I am having mild anxiety about it, I had it once two years ago and have long COVID, so what are my chances of getting COVID again when I don't go out. I keep telling myself it's just a headcold like I got when I was younger.
    Last edited by Pkstracy; 04-08-24 at 21:02.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Head Cold Or COVID?

    okay just took a antigen COVID test, lol felt like I was taking a pregnancy test, expect for snot instead of urine, I don't have COVID. Just looked at the directions again, I have to take another test on Monday, so 48 hours from now. I really don't think I have it but yeah...I am having a bit of anxiety
    Last edited by Pkstracy; 04-08-24 at 20:57.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Head Cold Or COVID?

    I am really struggling, I am exhausted, I am trying to sleep with my head elevated as when I do sleep I wake up and cough so hard that I cough up a big glob of green mucus that is thick and ropey and I feel like I am choking. I only able to get about two to three hours of sleep I just want this over, I am now on day four (not counting the sneezing day ) I keep wanting to take the other COVID test, but it said to wait 48 hours after first negative test.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Head Cold Or COVID?

    I went ahead and took the second COVID test, it was 30 hours after the other one and it too came up negative, everyone once in a while I think I smell something then the sense of smell leaves I hope I don't get permanent loss of smell that can happen with what I have, I know it's rare but with the luck I have been having I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't come back

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Head Cold Or COVID?

    Surely if you've already had it bad before, chances are you've probably built up more basic immunity to the virus (in the context of more serious implications).

    While I'm not quite so sure about the overall Covid situation Stateside currently, it's generally been getting minimal media attention here in the UK over recent months.

    And I'm sure if Covid in general truly was starting to get really bad once again (on both sides of the Atlantic), there would no doubt be more extensive media coverage of it by now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Head Cold Or COVID?

    Could be allergies PK or a sinus issue.
    I get sinus issues with stuffed up nose, sneezing, coughing, phlegm, eyes watering and itchy and cold like symptoms x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Head Cold Or COVID?

    Thanks to you both, COVID numbers are on the rise in my state of California, the cough has died down to a mild one now instead of me feeling like I am going to hack up a lung, and I can breathe out of my nose,it's still a little stuffy, I still cannot taste or smell anything, well taste I can taste salty things, and sour like a pickle. This is now day seven of this whatever it is. Carn do you lose your sense of taste and smell? Right now I just feeling horrible emotionally the aloneness is what is getting to me, I am the spare room until this passes, I can hear my hubby coughing on the other side of the wall. I am actually crying right now.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: Head Cold Or COVID?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pkstracy View Post
    Thanks to you both, COVID numbers are on the rise in my state of California, the cough has died down to a mild one now instead of me feeling like I am going to hack up a lung, and I can breathe out of my nose,it's still a little stuffy, I still cannot taste or smell anything, well taste I can taste salty things, and sour like a pickle. This is now day seven of this whatever it is. Carn do you lose your sense of taste and smell? Right now I just feeling horrible emotionally the aloneness is what is getting to me, I am the spare room until this passes, I can hear my hubby coughing on the other side of the wall. I am actually crying right now.
    It's safe to say that Covid numbers will always ebb and flow, but the current situation still seems far-removed from 2020-21 when and where there were mass hospitalisations and deaths across the board.

    Of course there will still always be the odd exceptions concerning certain individuals but try to remember that those actually being hospitalised and/or dying of the virus at present are fewer and far between, compared to 2020-21, even if numbers are edging up in California (and possibly elsewhere) right now.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Head Cold Or COVID?

    Thanks Len. I am on day ten of this as of 12:46 am, I am still a bit stuffy, can't smell, my taste is very limited and I have a slight cough,and I think a post nasal drip, It seems like it's going to go away and then my nose gets stuffy again, I was told by a telehealth app that it's an upper resp infection and it could take two to three weeks to go away. I just want it gone, I took four covid tests one yesterday and they have all came back negative.

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