So Wednesday I started sneezing like crazy, then getting a runny nose, blowing my nose constantly, no fever, coughing up phlegm. I have limited taste and cannot smell anything. No sore throat, just a very stuffed up nose and cough, why does my brain go to , I have COVID, when I can remember being sick like this way before COVID was even a thing, I am talking when I was a kid, teen, and young adult, I would get head colds and stuffed nose couldn't smell or taste, now I am like do I have a headcold aka upper respiratory infection, or COVID.
I have not been out at all Since June, and haven't been around anyone other than my husband.
Symptoms :
1st (after turning into flown blown head cold/ upper resp infection) day feeling like I am going to need a jack hammer to unclog my nose, can taste food, blowing my nose like crazy, dripping nose, from one side, while other is clogged with what feels like cement. Cough. No Fever Can still taste food. (Thursday) (Can't really smell anything)
2nd day Coughing a lot, hacking up phlegm, nose still stuffy Can still taste food, Can't really smell anything
3rd day still stuffed up, not coughing up so much phlegm, cannot smell anything, and taste has lessened.
I asked hubby to get me a COVID test as I am having mild anxiety about it, I had it once two years ago and have long COVID, so what are my chances of getting COVID again when I don't go out. I keep telling myself it's just a headcold like I got when I was younger.