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Thread: Was good for a while now its back, possible bat bite from trash cans

  1. #1

    Was good for a while now its back, possible bat bite from trash cans

    Hi guys, so it is already obvious that i have an irrational fear of bats and rabies. Well i will try to keep this as short as i can.

    So I am from west coast of the usa, a city where rabid bats are common but no vaccination is required nor there are any bites going around. And my city does not see bats cause it is a very highly populated place and bats hate us it turns out.

    So it was a very hot day where i had to take out the trash cans with wheels for the garbage truck to come and take it the next day. It was 5:00 P.M. I was with nitrile gloves and did not feel anything at that moment, came home and saw two separate location bite marks , one itched and looked like an insect bite the other one a bee bite (although i have no idea how they got me through my glove).

    Anyway, i tried to stay calm and told myself these are insect bites. 2 days later i looked at that spot very thoroughly cause it was itching and unlucky me close to that insect bite saw two almost attached pinpricks next to each other.

    Now the panic started. My main concern is that while I was taking out the trash can my hand was under the handle of the trash can so i did not have immediate field of view of my hand and i think it might have been hiding under there. I have a very bad tendency to check everywhere i can’t see with my hand to see if something might be hiding there to calm my nerves.

    Now why im saying i did not feel anything and it could have been there cause if i did not feel the possible bee sting and insect bite, i would not have felt it biting me too, bats in usa unfortunately are very small.

    So yeah, now for a week im waiting for the months to come when its gonna strike me. I did not feel, hear or see a bat upon further checking the trash can but again i could not see everything due to the trash can having places where it was not possible to look thoroughly. My main concern is i was with gloves, it bit me without me knowing cause i was with gloves, i would not have felt it cause i did not feel the insect bite and the bee bite.

    So yeah, anything to worry about or the good ol rabies ocd and this mark could be due to other things??? Sorry for the long texts.

    The link to the possible bat bite mark.

    And this is the possible bee sting mark pic. Again have no idea how it got me through my glove but did not hurt or itch and it went down after 10 min. Maybe the stinger did not go all the way in that is why i did not feel the bite and there was no pain???

    Sorry for the long texts, any answer would be appreciated. Thank you
    Last edited by venusbluejeans; 06-08-24 at 00:05. Reason: Admin removal of pictures

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Was good for a while now its back, possible bat bite from trash cans

    If you moved a bin with a bat sleeping on it, it would have moved and been more obvious, they aren't stealthy creatures from the ones I have seen. I can't load your images, it's giving me a 404 error.

  3. #3

    Re: Was good for a while now its back, possible bat bite from trash cans

    Give me a sec, i will upload it again. The main bats we see here are mexican free tailed bat, hoary bat and sometimes little brown bat

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