Hello everyone
I used to be a member on this site some time a go and it was a great comfort when i was going through my darkest days. Hello again. Sorry to go straight off on one
I recently came off of Sertraline (tapered off slowly), towards the end I was taking 30mg every 3 days and then I stopped as 3 days become 4, then 5 etc. I have only been fully off them 4 weeks. I did this without speaking to a doctor but I was feeling totally fine on a quarter of a tablet every 4 days etc.
Anyway. I felt like all was going well but then I had a stressful few weeks which resulted in an anxiety attack last Saturday. Ever since I have been really anxious again. I haven't had an anxiety attack in a long time so I guess the shock of it has just triggered everything off again. I am hyperfocusing on my throat, swallowing and panicking if I think there is a lump, or if I get a strange taste, or a weird smell in my sinuses etc etc. Sometimes there is no excuse to panic and then I end up just feeling anxious about getting anxious. This was what I used to focus on back when I had bad anxiety
Does anyone else hyperfocus on their throat?
I guess it's either feeling like this every day or going back on something, which I would much rather do. I don't feel like I have the strength to go through all this crap again.
Perhaps I am jumping the gun and I need to wait a while for symptoms to subside or perhaps my brain just knows anxiety and I will always be anxious?
Does anyone else feel that way? That once your brain knows anxiety that's it? You will be anxious forever?
I am going to call the doctors tomorrow and arrange an appointment. Perhaps I just need a low dose of something to keep my anxiety boxed up?
Does anyone else also get really frustrated because they know the thing they are anxious about deep down is not really an issue but they still get anxious? It's like the irrational and rational parts of my brain are constantly fighting each other : (
Many thanks for reading and listening