It’s been a rough 7 months. Back in December, I was undergoing lots of issues (officially diagnosed with ocular migraines), however I have since been battling this SEVERE vertigo since April 29th. Constant 24/ spins, nausea and sometimes vomiting, and no answers. My entire life has been on hold, I cannot work and I can barely get out of bed most days. None of the medications are working either. I have had dozens of tests, eye exams, MRIS and blood work done up until this point. Primarily for the ocular migraines, but a lot of the tests are very recent.
Neurologist isn’t convinced vertigo is related to my ocular migraines (causing iridescent floaters and temporary vision loss). He reviewed the results and confirmed diagnosis of ocular migraines.
Iv’e seen my primary care doctor various times in regards to the vertigo. She performed the dix halpike which made the spinning stop, and she feels this is an ear issue and told me I have fluid and inflammation. The vertigo and spinning is worse when I move my head, lay down and sometimes if I am looking at a computer, it starts amplifying. After 1 month of it getting worse, I finally got referred to an ENT.
Adding the only relief I have had was a 2 week period when I got a cold. I was SO CONGESTED. Couldn't breathe and it was all in my sinuses, BUT I had no vertigo! Best 2 weeks so far. That was a month and a half ago.
Yesterday after MONTHS of waiting, this ENT just looked inside my ears, said no inflammation or fluid and talked to me about my symptoms and said her biggest concern right now is a brain tumor and to go back to a neurologist. In and out in 5 minutes. Didn’t even look at any of the tests or results I had done. Didn't even issue any tests for inner ear or hearing or anything.
SO. Now I’m freaking out cause the only fast growing brain tumor this could be is a gioblastoma. Which is deadly. And I’m approaching that 6 month mark. My last MRI was in January.
Could a brain tumor really appear that quick? I called a couple friends who had brain tumors and said they personally didn’t experience migraines or vertigo with theirs, but I guess there are all kinds of tumors.
I got a call into Boston and go tomorrow to meet with an audiologist on some hearing tests to try a different ENT (the ENT I just saw did no testing or anything, just listened to my symptoms and said brain tumor)., but I am panicking and worried now that I could have this malignant tumor just growing suddenly. I’m 33 for context, and my entire life is on hold because of this vertigo. Most days I’m just laying in bed waiting for these appointments to try and figure out what is going on cause everything is on hold.
Has anyone gone through something similar? I don't know what to do anymore. This has been stressing me out and giving me so much anxiety.