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Thread: Weird flu like side effects? Or am I just getting sick?

  1. #1

    Weird flu like side effects? Or am I just getting sick?

    Hi everyone. I was recently put on 37.5 Effexor every other day for my vestibular migraines and PPPD and once I can tolerate that, I can start taking it daily.

    Iv'e been on it a little over a week, and while I have felt ok (minus some gastro upset even taken with food and some tingling/spasms/twitching) I noticed about a week in I came down with a low-grade temp (99-99.6), dry mouth, sore throat and chills. Usually when I am cold and getting chills, I am getting sick- but I don't really go anywhere or go out these days to be around anyone to get sick so it's odd.

    I'll be calling my doctor in the AM as i'm not sure if these are side effects or just me possibly getting sick, but has anyone had this experience on these? Could the above just be side effects? In in the past, I have done horribly on anxiety meds which turned me into a zombie and I don't feel that is the case here as I feel fine otherwise, but I have no clue. I'm desperate to get the vertigo to stop and the spinning to stop, so i'll try whatever I can these days and these were the meds recommended by the specialist to treat these types of migraines.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Weird flu like side effects? Or am I just getting sick?

    Quote Originally Posted by theanxiousone View Post
    Iv'e been on it a little over a week, and while I have felt ok (minus some gastro upset even taken with food and some tingling/spasms/twitching) I noticed about a week in I came down with a low-grade temp (99-99.6), dry mouth, sore throat and chills.
    These are all potential initial side-effects of SSRIs/SNRIs/some TCA antidepressants (ADs). Serotonin is not just a brain neurotransmitter. In fact the brain uses less than 2% of the serotonin produced. I has many roles throughout the body including in the enteric nervous system of the gut, which is by far the most serotonergic organ, and the regulation of blood vessel tone, constriction and dilation. These may be more impacted by the initial surge in serotonin synthesis and expression than the brain, but the side-effects usually diminish as biofeedback mechanisms kick-in. However, they may reoccur for a while after dose increases.

    In in the past, I have done horribly on anxiety meds which turned me into a zombie
    Were they all SSRIs, or SNRIs at doses for anxiety/depression rather than at low doses for vertigo, migraine, etc? Have you ever been prescribed an AD from another class, TCAs, MAOIs, etc? If so did they also turn you into a zombie, or the "crazy person" of one of your old posts?
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Re: Weird flu like side effects? Or am I just getting sick?

    Quote Originally Posted by theanxiousone View Post
    ...I'll be calling my doctor in the AM as i'm not sure if these are side effects or just me possibly getting sick, but has anyone had this experience on these? Could the above just be side effects? In in the past, I have done horribly on anxiety meds which turned me into a zombie and I don't feel that is the case here as I feel fine otherwise, but I have no clue. I'm desperate to get the vertigo to stop and the spinning to stop, so i'll try whatever I can these days and these were the meds recommended by the specialist to treat these types of migraines.
    Good luck with your phone appointment, I'd also question why you you needed to be on a AD that requires a long taper down because you can not just stop it without serious consequences. Honestly, It felt just as bad coming off of tramadol which was pretty bad. I don't mean to further scare you on this med, but you did ask if others have experienced this and I have and I was only on Effexor for 3 months and tapered off but it took time and I definitely felt worse and I'd never go on something that requires a taper when we have crackpots out there for med providers that dangle that med scripts in front of us and can withdraw treatment and drop you (this happened to me with my last med provider) and you have to pick up the pieces, at least something like Sertraline would be a better fit I think and I've never experienced that vertigo as I did from Effexor.

    Best of luck...


    EDIT: Sorry about the mistakes, I hope I fixed them all - found a few more - sorry, just 'one of those days' for me.
    Last edited by Scissel; 14-10-24 at 03:29.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Re: Weird flu like side effects? Or am I just getting sick?

    That being said: Though, when I was on that med I didn't feel "sick" with the chills so it is possible you could be coming down with a 24 hours virus and drink green tea can do wonders and basically pee as much as possible. Speaking of which, be careful with what you mix with this med so maybe ask the med provider if you can drink green tea with the Effexor just to be on the safe side.

  5. #5

    Re: Weird flu like side effects? Or am I just getting sick?

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
    These are all potential initial side-effects of SSRIs/SNRIs/some TCA antidepressants (ADs). Serotonin is not just a brain neurotransmitter. In fact the brain uses less than 2% of the serotonin produced. I has many roles throughout the body including in the enteric nervous system of the gut, which is by far the most serotonergic organ, and the regulation of blood vessel tone, constriction and dilation. These may be more impacted by the initial surge in serotonin synthesis and expression than the brain, but the side-effects usually diminish as biofeedback mechanisms kick-in. However, they may reoccur for a while after dose increases.

    Were they all SSRIs, or SNRIs at doses for anxiety/depression rather than at low doses for vertigo, migraine, etc? Have you ever been prescribed an AD from another class, TCAs, MAOIs, etc? If so did they also turn you into a zombie, or the "crazy person" of one of your old posts?

    Thank you! My doctor gave me the option to also do a half dose every day if it was easier, which I am trying now. Apparently, some of the zaps and stuff might have been withdrawls cause I was taking it every other day. Still much better than the constant vertigo I have been dealing with though. I am now congested and sneezing today, so i'm also thinking I might just be getting sick as well.

    I was trialed on so many meds in the past, similar situation but for anxiety- starting on smaller doses. I know a few of those were Cymbalta, Lexapro and Busiprone that I didn't do well on. There were about 7 total meds in the past I just couldn't do. Usually within 2 weeks I felt the zombie like symptoms and I couldn't stay on them as I needed to drive- I had no other options. A lot of the anxiety was also from my old job, which I left. I haven't really felt anxious these days and I haven't had a panic attack since thankfully, and that was 4 years ago. The only reason I am on these meds is for the migraines. Now I can't drive at all cause of the vertigo and am out of work until this gets sorted. I'm desperate to get the spinning to stop, so I am willing to try anything right now.

  6. #6

    Re: Weird flu like side effects? Or am I just getting sick?

    Quote Originally Posted by Scissel View Post
    Good luck with your phone appointment, I'd also question why you you needed to be on a AD that requires a long taper down because you can not just stop it without serious consequences. Honestly, It felt just as bad coming off of tramadol which was pretty bad. I don't mean to further scare you on this med, but you did ask if others have experienced this and I have and I was only on Effexor for 3 months and tapered off but it took time and I definitely felt worse and I'd never go on something that requires a taper when we have crackpots out there for med providers that dangle that med scripts in front of us and can withdraw treatment and drop you (this happened to me with my last med provider) and you have to pick up the pieces, at least something like Sertraline would be a better fit I think and I've never experienced that vertigo as I did from Effexor.

    Best of luck...


    EDIT: Sorry about the mistakes, I hope I fixed them all - found a few more - sorry, just 'one of those days' for me.

    Thank you! It is sounding like I might have been dealing with some withdrawals (zaps and such) and have been advised to do half each day now. I did just that, and it seems to have minimized the zaps/ weird sensations. I'd still rather deal with all of that VS the constant spinning iv'e been dealing with, at least now I can get up and walk a bit and function. When I asked, the doctor said Effexor is commonly used for this particular type of migraine and the PPPD disorder and it's the first one they try as they have had the most success with. I have joined a support group and a lot of people are saying it is helping, and seeing Iv'e had such a problem with anxiety meds in the past that I took cause of my old job (cymbalta, lexapro, busiprone, etc) this one seems to currently be making me feel ok considering. I woke up today with tons of congestion and sneezing, so I might actually be just getting sick. I am hoping that is the case.

    My doctor wants me to try these for 3 weeks and see, it is all trial and error he said. I am trying to get in to a vestibular rehab therapist so maybe they will have some weight here. Im at the point I am so desperate to try anything just to get my life back. I can't work, drive, walk or anything. I don't feel depressed/ anxious or anything either (other than dealing with this illness), it's just this darn 24/7 spinning, nausea and vomiting at times. Unfortunately, when I asked they said these disorders are treated with antidepressants and it's the only way, and it needs to be daily cause I am in a constant cycle of symptoms until we can break that cycle and get my brain re-trained (the VM paused the PPPD they claim). My blood pressure is also on the borderline normal/low side, so they also mentioned the bonus this might help raise it a bit.

    I will mention sertraline next time! I don't think I have tried that one. I was also given zofran for the nausea/ vomiting, fortunately I haven't had to take that yet. I have a book coming in too I am going to try for this migraine issue, and I am on a bunch of vitamins and some allergy meds too. Just hoping for some relief so I can at least get my life back. I really don't want to be on any meds like this and would prefer natural, but it doesn't seem natural is cutting it for me. :(

    If you don't mind me asking, what was your mg of Effexor? How did you taper it? I have the tablets with the beads inside, so I head of people saying counting the beads. Its been a long time since Iv'e been on any meds like this, so i'm still learning.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Weird flu like side effects? Or am I just getting sick?

    Quote Originally Posted by theanxiousone View Post
    Apparently, some of the zaps and stuff might have been withdrawls cause I was taking it every other day.
    Withdrawal after only 2 weeks? Venlafaxine has a very short half-life, ~4-7 hours which can cause a yo-yo effect, but this doesn't usually trigger the symptoms you're experiencing.

    I am now congested and sneezing today, so i'm also thinking I might just be getting sick as well.
    It is always a possibility.

    I was trialed on so many meds in the past, similar situation but for anxiety- starting on smaller doses. I know a few of those were Cymbalta, Lexapro and Busiprone that I didn't do well on.
    So a SNRI, SSRI and buspirone which is not an antidepressant, but a GAD specific med which works well for some, but is about as effective as M&Ms for most. Side-effects are rare and when taken with serotonergic ADs it often significantly reduces their side-effects. It is rarely effective for OCD, PD, or PTSD.

    There were about 7 total meds in the past I just couldn't do. Usually within 2 weeks I felt the zombie like symptoms and I couldn't stay on them as I needed to drive- I had no other options.
    I'm guessing they were mostly SSRIs, the SNRI duloxetine and third and fourth line meds like mirtazapine, gabapentin and pregabalin, plus possibly an anti psychotic. If PD ever becomes a problem again one of the TCAs may be a better bet. Imipramine for panic disorder and PTSD, amitriptyline for GAD and anafranil for OCD spectrum disorders including health anxiety. One of the advantages of the TCAs is they come in small dose tables relative to their recommended therapeutic doses so it is much easier to start on a very low dose and slowly ramp it up which can minimize any side-effects.

    I see from your reply to Scissel that you've also been prescribed ondansetron (Zofran) for nausea/vomiting. It was originally developed to treat anxiety and by all accounts was very effective in pre clinical trials, but when Bristol Myers Squibb realised how effective it was for radiation and chemo induced nausea they decided to concentrate on that more lucrative market. While it was still in patent back in the 1980s they were charging US$5 per tablet.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  8. #8

    Re: Weird flu like side effects? Or am I just getting sick?

    I’ve been on similar meds before, and I did experience some weird side effects like chills and dry mouth, so it could be the Effexor. But everyone's different, so it’s definitely good that you're planning to check in with your doctor.

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