Hello to everyone,
I am a 29-year-old male, with no family history of bowel/colorectal cancer (and any cancer at all). It all started for the first time last December, when after a relatively hard stool, I wiped and bright red blood appeared on the paper. I looked at the toilet and some blood had dripped in the water (but outside the stool). This was repeated the next time I went for passing stool, but never since then.
This was repeated again in September, and again yesterday. Blood is outside stool (not mixed), bright red, and after a large, hard stool every time. I also feel the area a bit sore, not in pain, just sore around the skin.
Due to me being a bit health-anxious, I am worried every time it happens for me having colorectal cancer, even though I know it doesn't seem like this, and my age and history are in favour.
All the best to everyone.