I'm actually scared for my life. 27yr hispanic male, 110lbs.
I'm having stinging, burning, shaking, twitching, spasms, headaches, and slight dizziness, and saying words wrong.
The stinging is usually in my hands and feet and lasts a second. I've had stinging before for a year or two now. The burning is subtle and doesn't happen often. Just noticed it today twice in my right foot and the bottom. I'm twitching all the time. Mainly my legs and arms and abs. I was getting headaches every day is various small spots on my head. I was getting bouts of dizziness when I would move my head but that has calmed down. I just get a low level floating feeling now.
The symptom that scares me the most is muscle weakness and shakiness. When I bend over or activate my quads, they twitch/shake in a constant manner. Once I bend down far enough, it subsides. So at a certain angle, it's like I'm a machine or robot clanking into different slots or positions instead of just bending over smoothly. When I bend my head all the way forward, the base of my neck at the back does the same thing. I shake through the movement. It's not smooth. I did 10 squats with weights and that was fine. It seems to be both legs. My arms also shake when in certain spots.
When I'm just standing up, I feel like my legs are vibrating. I haven't done anything recently in terms of working out.
I had the worst panic attack of my life 6 days ago after being hospitalized for potential heart attack since my upper back was burning and had chest pain. Doc said most likely overtrained my muscles. I nearly went back after having another bad panic attack 4 days ago.
A little over 3 weeks ago, two chairs landed on my head. It dawned on me 4 days ago I think I had a concussion this whole time. Went to urgent care yesterday, doc said he thinks I have a mild concussion. Referred me to a concussion specialist.
I had an MRI in 2018 that was normal aside from non specific lesions. I saw a podiatrist earlier this year for something else and told him about stinging. He referred me for a vascular and emg study, but I didn't do it cause the stinging was happening for so long and I grew accustomed to it.
I've not been doing good. Even now I'm laying on the couch and I feel like my calf or quads are shaking.