First of all, I’m sorry for posting about this again. It’s mainly just to get things off my chest, but any wise words more than welcome.
to summarise what’s happening - I had liver function tests at my GP health check to check if statins were causing problems and the GGT one came back 10x higher than the normal range so my GP stopped statins and asked me to come for repeat test - which is this Monday. They said I should avoid drinking alcohol before the test (although I had drunk wine the evening before the last one)
While speaking to GP, I told her about this and about my health anxiety and about some intermittent stomach issues (right hand side) I was having . I was concerned I may have gall bladder or serious liver issues so though she was pretty confident the statins had caused the blood results, she sent me for a scan.
The scan was over a week ago and found my liver was normal (apart from a simple cyst, which I don’t think is anything to worry about) . They told me at the time of the scan there was nothing to worry about but I had gallstones.
The scan report says they found gallstones/sludge and thick gallbladder walls. Everything else was normal as far as I can tell. (There was just one thing I didn’t understand but daren’t Google)
I asked to discuss the results with my GP and they have made an appointment but not until 19 December, by which time my blood results will be back.
I suppose all this should reassure me but I’m still terrified that my blood tests will show raised levels. My mind is racing all the time …… was it the wine that caused the raised d GGT results or the statins, or the gallbladder issues …..or all three. I can’t stop thinking about it and though I’m pretty relaxed about possibly needing to have my gallbladder removed, I just have this constant feeling of dread.
im so tired of worrying.